Wednesday, July 29, 2009

For the first time, Russia and Iran will hold a joint naval maneuver

For the first time, Russia and Iran will hold a joint naval maneuver in the Caspian Sea, The Iranian Mehr News Agency reported Wednesday. 

According to the report, the maneuver will include 30 Russian and Iranian ships, as well as helicopters. 

A senior official in the Iranian ports authority was quoted by the report as saying that the maneuver would increase the coordination between the two countries, and focus on search and rescue operations and the prevention of pollution

The Jerusalem Post could not confirm the report. 

Russia enjoys extensive trade ties with Teheran and has been opposed to imposing further sanctions on Iran over its uranium enrichment program. 

Russia is an enemy of the West. A rogue state which enable Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, et al. The sooner the est treats them as they deserve - as a pariah state - the better.

But, this is the wages of Obama's appeasement policy. All these years, Russia has been using Iran as a proxy to attack us. Now, they are coming out of the closet about it. They are openly aligning with Iran in a military formation meant to threaten the United States.

These types of threats will only escalate as every rogue nation in the world sees that Obama is completely unwilling to hold anyone accountable for their threats. And, as everyone observes Obama's unwillingness to respond, it will become inevitable that someone will step forward and actually hit us.

9/11 redux.

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