The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.
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Our guests for the first half hour are Yoni Tidi, who will discuss with us for a few minutes the recent results in the Israeli election, and, for the remainder of that half hour, Ilana Freedman, CEO of Gerard Group International. Read her recent article "5 Minutes to Midnight - Dangerous Times" HERE.

Our guest for the second half hour is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, author of The Caged Virgin and Infidel, and one of the founders of The Foundation for Freedom of Expression. You can read more about Ayaan Hirsi Ali HERE and HERE.
Listen to the February 6, 2009 edition of The Gathering Storm Radio Show, live or later, by CLICKING HERE.
February 20: Cinnamon Stillwell, Yid With Lid, and Blue Heeler (aka Gravelrash)
February 27: Chaim and Elisabeth of Austria
March 6: Mohammed Abdul and Sabir
March 13: Elmer's Brother
March 20: Dr. Paul L. Williams
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