Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain responsible for what people in his audience say?

They could well be Democrat "plants". Planting their supporters in a rival meeting is an old tactic for them. Read here, for instance.

"After inflammatory speech at events for Republican presidential candidate John McCain made headlines this weekend, Democratic lawmaker John Lewis compared McCain to 1960s segregationist George Wallace.

Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday asked Davis if McCain and Palin bear any responsibility for their supporters calls of violence when attack ads and stump speeches call Obama a "liar" and a "terrorist."

This is how Davis responded: "Barack Obama should apologize to John McCain directly for the kinds of comments made by Joe Lewis yesterday and that should be the end of this sordid affair."

Lewis had criticized the "atmosphere of hate" he said McCain is creating in the election, referencing an infamous Alabama church bombing in 1963 that was blamed on Wallace's fiery rhetoric.


Comparing McCain to Wallace is hate speech, if you ask me. Claims that Obama is a liar and an associate of terrorists are true so are not hate speech in my book. Calls to "kill" Obama are, however, a different matter but such calls have only come from audience members and the speakers have never been identified. And McCain himself has bent over backwards to avoid negativity.

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your roundup of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH (2). Email me (John Ray) here

1 comment:

Pastorius said...

The look on McCain's face, when that woman said that Obama is "an Arab", was one of abject horror.

Does McCain get credit for the humanity displayed on his face? No. Instead, he only gets credit for the idiocy spouted by people who happen to attend his rallies.