Monday, September 01, 2008


The unhinged lefties are going to go bananas attacking Governor Palin. This is going to be like the attacks on Justice Thomas all over again. We've already seen some of their vilest fantasies exposed.

The thing is, their attacks are going to fall completely flat.

The biggest scandal they can come up with, is that Governor Palin's husband made some calls complaining about his sister's ex-husband, an Alaska State Trooper.

The message that people are going to get is: Governor Palin's sister was married to a cop.

They will attack the Governor for being a mother.

Well, to most people that is hardly a fault.

And as I've said, to attack for having been the Mayor of a small town is also to highlight a highly attractive feature in her history.

The Dems can't attack her for inexperience without exposing the Obamessiah to the same standard. And JR has noted the boomerang in the "death's door" argument, below.

This is going to be just what happened to the Politburo, when they thought that screening "The Grapes of Wrath" would show that the Americans were also starving. Instead, what the Russians saw was "those poor Americans have a car!"


felix said...

One area we have yet to hear about from Palin is immigration reform. Did she oppose or support the McCain reform legislation of last Spring? Apparently she is a blank slate (on the record) on this issue. This would be a good issue for her to "respectfully" disagree wih McCain on.

Punditarian said...

I'm not sure that the news is good. Apparently Alaska has blanket, statewide "sanctuary" laws and issues driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

I have not researched this myself, but it is discussed here:


felix said...

No this is not good. However, those sanctuary laws may have been passed prior to Palin becoming Governor, and, prior to that, she was not in the State legislature, so she did not vote for (or against) it. She can say that she would have voted "no" on santuary, but had to follow the law when she was governor. I hate to see Obama be let off the hook on this one.

Punditarian said...

Felix, I hope you are right.