Tuesday, September 02, 2008


After a tumultuous weekend of rapid-fire news updates, Byron York reports that evangelicals, with whom Senator McCain has always had difficulties, are now "completely on his side." J.R. Dunn at The American Thinker notices that Governor Palin is as expert concerning energy policy in the 21st century as Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln was concerning railroad policy in the 19th. By concentrating on what would have been their only reason for putting a Governor Palin on the ticket -- her sex -- the Democrats have missed the significance of her nomination, and have misjudged Senator McCain's strategy. They are being caught unawares again and again.

As Dunn notes, what is most significant about the nomination of Governor Sarah Palin "is what it says about McCain." We've been saying that all along (scroll down).

With one move, Senator McCain (1) pre-empted the media's fawning coverage of the Democrat convention; (2) invigorated a now-enthusiastic Republican base; (3) established his campaign's bona fides on energy and likely signalled an aggressive stance on the colossal failure of the Democrat Congress's dithering on energy issues; (4) completely won over the evangelical voters who have been critical in national Republican victories; and (5) won over a significant proportion of disappointed Hillary Clinton supporters (both men and women, by the way -- just read their message boards.) And of course (6) reassured anybody who doubted that he has the energy, the skill, or the cunning to win this election and lead my Country.

That's pretty good for the selection of a running mate.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

I see your point, but the real scandal to me regards all these bank failures. Not to mention neither the dems or GOP talk about deflation or all these bank failures, had another one today in GA, Dang, That’s makes 10. Yep Paulin will back fire for McCain, but my pocket is more important

Reliapundit said...

there are 17,000 bansk in the usa.

every years a dozen or so fail.


i don;t want my tax dollars bailing out other folks who made bad investments.