Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin: WOW!

It's tempting but I am not going to add anything to the uproar over Sarah Palin today.

My fellow bloggers here and over at STACLU are doing a fine job shooting down the frantic Leftist and media criticisms of her.

It's amusing how most of the things that Leftists criticize in her apply even more to Wonderboy (e.g. lack of foreign policy experience; insufficient administrative experience).

They're really desperate.

They say that running Alaska is "not enough" experience.

As far as I am aware, Wonderboy has never even run a raffle.

I will say this, however: I predict that she will one day be President of the United States.

Posted by John Ray.


Always On Watch said...

This is the only thing about Palin which concerns me. Still, from what I know about her, she'll understand the reality if she visits a border state or Northern Virginia.

DavidCyrus said...

Look at yourselves.

If, a year ago in September 2007, somebody had suggested that the Republican ticket for '08 would be McCain/Palin, you'd have scoffed, jeered, and basically accused them of supporting tax-&-spend, open-border leftists. Suddenly, they've become your "Next Presidential ticket?"

I'm curious- which voters are now going to vote Republican, who weren't going to a week ago?

Punditarian said...


Go read some of the discussion boards at the Hillary Clinton Forum and the answer to your last question will be a little clearer to you.

Reliapundit said...

wut izzit about mccain u hate?

bi-partisan campaign finance REFORM?

bi-partisan immigration REFORM?

the conservative base was always skeptical of mccain because he IS A MAVERICK who reaches out to libs like kennedy and feingold.

Palin consolidates the base - who might've stayed home.

BUT... she also energizes that part of the electorate which is PRO-REFORM and ANTI-PORK.

and that includes a lot of independents.

and then there's the centrist Dem women.

many i know LOVE Palin already.

davey: it's gonna be a landslide for the GOP.