Their JOB DONE, 30,000 US troops are returning to the USA next month.
A GOOGLE NEWS SEARCH of " bush july 30,000 troops iraq" returns ONE SINGLE ITEM.
"GEE: I WONDER WHY?!?!" (Sarcasm off.)
That's why it's time Bush drive the point home as ONLY A PRESIDENT CAN: in a major address. Maybe even before a JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS DURING PRIME TIME.
I'd love to see the Dems giving Bush a standing o' when he announces our victory and asks Petraeus to stand up and then Maliki and then a wounded US vet and a wounded Iraqi vet.
THEN: Obama can give the Democrat reply.
It will be a short reply: "I was wrong; you were right. I showed poor judgment; you showed good judgment."
IMHO: This would do more to help Bush's legacy and McCain's chances than anything else right now.
I sent my congressman an email saying that we should get all five of the surge brigades together and have a ticker-tape victory parade for them and that the ball should get rolling on this idea before Congress adjourns for its August break. Also that we should do it for every 4 or 5 brigades that come back from Iraq or Afghanistan. Maybe if more people wrote their congressman requesting something like this, it would get done. Who's with me?
I wish that GWB would do this. Why hasn't he already?
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