Sunday, March 09, 2008

Transfer: Send the Palestinians to other Arab lands

Jordan is just East Palestine anyway. Excerpt:

The Palestinians are the most sickening, revolting group of people on earth. They're actually more loathsome than even the Nazis were because the Palestinian people have all their evil impulses, but they're considerably less industrious and less civilized.

We Americans like to believe the best about people. You know, "The leaders are the bad guys, but the regular people aren't any different than us." The reality is that the Palestinians in the disputed territories are different from us, because the majority of them are evil. By that, I mean that the problem isn't just their leaders and the terrorist thugs, the problem is the average person on the street. The butcher, the school teacher, the traffic cop -- the majority of them are vile, sick, twisted, evil excuses for human beings and that's why there is no peace in the region. Israel can no more live next to these people in peace than New Yorkers could live in peace with New Jersey if it were taken over by Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

...Which leads to a very basic question: if this was happening to Americans, how far would we be willing to go to stop it? The truth is, we already know the answer to that question because our ancestors have had to deal with this sort of savagery when Indians tortured and murdered American settlers. Our response was, depending on the situation, to slaughter them and/or force them to move.

More here

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your handy-dandy summary of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH

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