Wednesday, January 30, 2008

OF TIMETABLES AND OLD PUKE-HEAD LIBERALS - (or: No centavos pro Senor McCain)

McCain and Romney went at it again over the timetable canard: McCain accused Romney of being for a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq - WHICH IS A LIE.

Sure: Mitt mentioned timetables and milestones in passing during an interview (way back in April), BUT ONLY AS PRIVATE GUIDEPOSTS BETWEEN OUR PRESIDENT AND PM MALIKI. On a follow up question, Romney said he would veto any bill with a timetable. PERIOD.

SO: McCain is a liar. A piece of lying scum. A sack of old tired lying liberal crap.

AND ANOTHER THING: As a businessman I know this very well: to achieve goals - any goals - you must have timetables and mileposts. Otherwise there's NO ACCOUNTABILITY. There is simply no way to keep people on track unless they know they goal and the time-frame. PERIOD. What Mitt said was common sense.

Now, maybe old angry farts who fester in the cloakrooms of the greatest debating club in the world (the US SENATE!) don’t understand that, but that’s the way of the REAL world.

And the real world is a world Romney knows and has mastered far greater than that old angry liberal puke McCain has or ever will.

I will never vote for McCain.

I wouldn’t care if he was running against Eugene V. Debs or Lenin! I wouldn't care if he was running against Teddy or Kerry.

McCain can suck my elbow in Macy's window and he still wouldn't get my vote!

He doesn't even get my vote for favorite Congressman who's a former Vietnam POW - Sam Johnson does.

And a GOP led by McCain... it won't get one freakin' cent from me. Not one. Not a penny.


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