Monday, November 26, 2007


A day before the Annapolis surrender summit, al-Reuters reports that an Arab shopkeeper is selling mugs that he invites customers to smash if things don't go their way (via Michelle Malkin):
In a symbol of fragile hopes for this week’s Middle East peace conference at Annapolis, one Palestinian shopkeeper is selling souvenir mugs for the event - complete with instructions to smash them if talks break down.

Under a dove and olive branch motif, the mugs carry the message in English: “Please keep this souvenir, but in case of the conference’s failure; you are only asked to break the mug”.

Tareq Abu Dayya, who runs a gift shop in the Gaza Strip, said he meant the mugs to symbolize hope the conference could lead to a Palestinian state but also his low expectations for success:

“If the conference doesn’t succeed, then the poor citizen can do nothing but break this mug. End of story,” said Abu Dayya, who reported brisk sales of mugs at a hefty $2.50 apiece.
If only their rage were just at that level of those mugs, but they're not.

On the eve of the Annapolis folly, Amos Harel looks at Israel's defense dilemma:
Here, in a nutshell, is the Israel Defense Forces’ dilemma ahead of the Annapolis conference: To what extent should proactive measures in the West Bank (and to a lesser extent in the Gaza Strip) be rolled back in the coming days?

On the one hand, an excess of arrest operations could obviously lead to an unnecessary entanglement that would cloud the atmosphere at the conference, whose chances for success are already limited. If civilians are killed - or even wanted gunmen - on the day before the summit, the Palestinians will be able to accuse Israel of sabotaging the peace process. On the other hand, reducing the IDF’s activity could let Palestinian terrorist groups achieve their goal of disrupting the conference by a showy attack.

As of last night, the central and southern army commands had not received any new directives. In an arrest sweep yesterday in the heart of Tul Karm, a relatively senior wanted militant from Fatah was killed and his accomplice badly wounded; in the Gaza Strip, three gunmen were killed when they approached the Erez crossing. Before past conferences of this sort, orders were issued to maintain a lower profile; to make do for a few days with pursuing only “ticking bombs.” Yesterday there was one specific alert about a plan to dispatch a suicide bomber (that was the reason for the temporary high alert in Jerusalem).

Several lesser alerts exist, but the main fear is of “sleeper” cells hitting Israel without any warning.
It should also be noted that the shadow of Iran is looming, and "expectations are lower than the Dead Sea."

Update: no joint Israel-PA statement was reached. Instead, they're trying to focus on "the day after."

Here for everyone is an annoucement of protest rallies scheduled to take place:
Monday, Nov. 26:
* Annapolis, 11 AM to 2 P.M., Gate 1, King George and Randall, organized by Shalom International and Coalition to Defend Jerusalem. The Knesset Israel congregation is providing kosher food from 2- 3 PM at 1125 Spa St.
* New York City, Noon to 2 P.M. at Israeli Consulate, 43rd St and 2nd Ave..
* Washington, D.C. 5 P.M., At U.S. State Dept., 23rd and "C" St.
* Jerusalem, 3 PM - Massive prayer service at the Western Wall, with the participation of the Rishon LeTzion, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu
* Jerusalem, 6:30 PM - Large rally at Paris Square near Kings Hotel, organized by Yesha Council, Mateh Maamatz and Cities of Israel.
* Chicago, 7P.M., massive prayer service at Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park, 2800 W. North Shore, organized by Chicago Rabbinical Council

Tuesday, Nov. 27
* NYC/Washington - 7 AM, AFSI (Americans for a Safe Israel) group departing NYC by bus - 31st Street between 7th and 8th Ave. Noon - Protest rally at Gate #1 of the Naval Academy. Return to NYC by approximately 8 PM. email to afsi@rcn.com
* Annapolis, 11 AM to 2 P.M., Gate 1, King George and Randall, co-organized by Shalom International and Coalition to Defend Jerusalem. The Knesset Israel congregation is providing kosher food from 2- 3 PM at 1125 Spa St.
* Philadelphia, 12 Noon at Holocaust Memorial between 16-17 St.

Wednesday, Nov. 28
* Washington, D.C. 11 AM to 2 P.M., 23rd St. and "C" St., U.S. State Dept.

In addition, on Monday, Ari Abramowitz of the International Center of Biblical Zionism will be speaking against Annapolis and in favor of the Jewish People's right to the entire Land of Israel at Columbia University in NYC at 7 AM, and at Stern College at 8:30 AM. On Tuesday, at 7 AM, he will address the Mayim Hayim Ministries at 1412 Southwest 8th St. in Amarillo, Texas.
Make sure to be there!

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