Sunday, October 28, 2007


JERUSALEM, Oct. 28 — Israeli officials said today that Israel had begun reducing fuel supplies to Gaza and had closed down one of the two crossings through which food, medicine and other supplies pass into the strip, in line with a recent government decision to respond with sanctions to continued rocket fire from the Hamas-run territory.

Shlomo Dror, a spokesman for the Coordinator of Activities in the Territories, the Israeli agency that oversees supplies to Gaza, said the plan was to reduce the amount of fuel by 5 to 11 percent. He said that the industrial fuel needed to operate the Gaza power plant would not be affected, but that there would be cuts in the supply of benzene, which is mostly for private use, and diesel, which is mostly used for public transportation and service vehicles.

Got that? Hamas launches anti-personnel rockets at civilian targets in Israel, and the Israelis threaten to cut non-essential fuel supplies by 5 to 11 percent.

On the one side, armed fanatics who openly boast that they intend to massacre their enemies and drive them into the sea, obliterating their State and erasing their history. On the other side, post-modern cultural relativists who are unwilling to defend their citizens and their territory.

How long can this go on?


simon1 said...

I agree that there are problems on both sides. I think if you want to boast about destroying your enemies you should first be able to run a government and support an economy with no outside help. Especially with help from the peole you are trying to destroy.
Are the citizens to blame? Yes they are. They elected Hamas to power. Hamas has made no secret of their intentions.
I know the libs don't like to believe it but to win a war you have to punish civilians. How do terrorist groups get countries to pull troops out of places like Iraq? They capture civilans and behead them. The people of the country put pressure on the government to pull troops out. That scenario works two ways. When the people of Palestine have no elctricity or fuel the may be a little upset with Israel at first but at a certain point they will either realize the need to not bite the hand that feeds or they will starve to death. Both methods are a means to an end.
Let's look at this from another perspective, the Palestinians destroy Israel, now they have no fuel or money and they all die. The ending seems to be the same.

Unknown said...

The May 15th Prophecy has accurately predicted the situation in Israel.

The May 15th Prophecy has been the only source that have given detail with 100% accuracy of what is really happening in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and the greater Middle East

You should do a Goggle search of the “May 15th Prophecy” or go to