Riots in Copenhagen. Cartoon Crisis in Sweden. It's not "Deja Vu all over again" it's just the Status Quo.
Recently I posted about the thriving Hizb-ut-Tahrir faction in Denmark and I would like to add more corollary facts that have come to light:
A 21 year old (with a criminal record) who was hired by Copenhagen Commune to be a role model for immigrant adolescent males has been charged for driving a "strong arm" gang in a vehicle owned by the commune to kidnap and beat up and break the jaw of an 18 year old.
This 21 year old was also involved in a violent attack upon policemen to spring a suspect being guarded at the State Hospital, who was being treated after a shooting death at Cafe Rust -and who later escaped to the Middle East. The incident at Cafe Rust resulted when a doorman shot in self defense after being threatened by local thugs who did not like the fact that the Club's security camera had a good view of the drug dealing they were conducting in the neighborhood.
The shooting at Cafe Rust was in turn connected to a shooting at Christiania which was evidence of a power struggle between Rockers and the Immigrant gangs, over the drug trade. The immigrant gangs have seized significant market share - and they could be funneling their ill got gains for terrorist activity.

A 21 year old (with a criminal record) who was hired by Copenhagen Commune to be a role model for immigrant adolescent males has been charged for driving a "strong arm" gang in a vehicle owned by the commune to kidnap and beat up and break the jaw of an 18 year old.
This 21 year old was also involved in a violent attack upon policemen to spring a suspect being guarded at the State Hospital, who was being treated after a shooting death at Cafe Rust -and who later escaped to the Middle East. The incident at Cafe Rust resulted when a doorman shot in self defense after being threatened by local thugs who did not like the fact that the Club's security camera had a good view of the drug dealing they were conducting in the neighborhood.
The shooting at Cafe Rust was in turn connected to a shooting at Christiania which was evidence of a power struggle between Rockers and the Immigrant gangs, over the drug trade. The immigrant gangs have seized significant market share - and they could be funneling their ill got gains for terrorist activity.
In a few years time 9/11 may resemble Guernica more than Pearl Harbor, and the response of the West, up to now, might be more Chamberlain than Churchill.
So don't be lulled into a sense of false security - we have failed to shift the status quo.
So don't be lulled into a sense of false security - we have failed to shift the status quo.
Thank goodness that people are finally starting to see through this nonesense sitting on a nexus between the neocon/PNAC clash of civilizations agenda and the American religious right's lust for a holy war.
In fact, the more anti-Muslim bigotry that the American right (in its hysterical bid to retain power) engages in, the more people are going to occupy the rational middle and reject conservative religious extremism of all brands.
Should I be honored that this post has ensnared the troll?
McCoy - I make no blanket anti-muslim claims - I only point out that the immigrant refugee community in Denmark has a disproportionate presence in crime statistics - especially violent crime. Some left-of-center idealogues prefer to shift blame upon the "failure of Danish society to integrate" these people.
I also posit that some of this criminal behaviour is sanctioned by extremist Islamic leadership, as are honor killings etc., as long as the terror organisations get their vig. I am also certain these same international terror organisations are enablers of the drug supply chain through the Balkans and Eastern Meditierannean.
When a mobs of Muslim's attack embassies...and threaten to murder journalists...or when anarchist youth attack shops, and private property...they are motivated by disrespect for others, disrespect for the Law.
Go back to sleep-
part of what is right about bush's aggressiveness is that it does DESTABILIZE things - that's whatya gotta do if ya wanna change the status quo.
Feel what you will, but this blog’s long history of referring to opposition as “trolling” is quite telling. You do seem somewhat more “astute” than your collegue “Reliapundit”, and I appreciate the response rather than the usual suppression of free speech and ALL CAPS rant about leftist scum that I’ve come to expect here. For that, I do extend you my gratitude, but I have to wonder… why are you surrounding yourself with opinions and commentary that you’re clearly capable of seeing the folly of?
You claim not to make “blanket claims”, yet your post refers to this incident as evidence of s“status quo” of “global jihado-thuggery around the globe”. I’m not sure how more blanket a claim one can make. I’m assuming that you’re going to extend to the very western notion of innocence until proven guilt to the individual that’s been charged, or is your post premised on the not-so-liberal notion of guilt-without-trial? Does your post extrapolate from the individual to a much larger whole? As much as it would be folly for someone to suggest that individuals like Rev’ Phelps are and example of how the “status quo” of right-wing religious extremism continues in America, it is as similarly problematic to make an analogous suggestion here. You’ve also appealed to ignorance (and xenophobia) with your suggestion that this “immigrant gang” is funding terrorism. Do you have any proof of this, or are you simply abusing a fear of what isn’t known?
I am intrigued by your claim of status quo of a “jihado-thuggery around the globe”. Is there anything other than the fact that these were middle-eastern immigrants for you to suggest that this incident illustrates (as you've claimed) said “status quo”? By all means, please make whatever “non-blanket claims” you feel support your position.
Wake up.
You complain:
"You claim not to make “blanket claims”, yet your post refers to this incident as evidence of s“status quo” of “global jihado-thuggery around the globe”. I’m not sure how more blanket a claim one can make."
You close by saying:
"I am intrigued by your claim of status quo of a “jihado-thuggery around the globe”. Is there anything other than the fact that these were middle-eastern immigrants for you to suggest that this incident illustrates (as you've claimed) said “status quo”? By all means, please make whatever “non-blanket claims” you feel support your position.
Wake up."
Well, let's make a list. I'm not googling this, I'm just working from memory. Let's start with the West Coast of the United States, and then work our way across the Pacific and back around again.
Remember the jihadist who shot up the ticket counter at LAX? The would-be "millenium bombers?" The jihadist training camps in Washington State? The jihadi who shot up the Jewish charity in Seattle?
Moving on to the Philippines, where there is a real jihadi war going on, and has been for decades (well before GW Bush was elected, by the way). Beheadings, bombings, and more very serious jihado-thuggery.
Moving right along, to Thailand. Thousands have been killed by jihado thuggery there. You don't think that the beheading of Buddhist monks is jihado-thuggery. ZOmbietime has posted some brutal, gruesome photographs of the hacked and mutilated corpses of innocent Thais, Buddhists, and soldiers that are proof of jihado-thuggery.
Indonesia? Remember when 500,000 mostly ethnic Chinese were slaughtered in 1965? How about the bombing-murder of hundreds of tourists in Bali? How about the ongoing beheadings of innocent Christians in Java? That isn't jihado-thuggery?
What about the murders of Christians in Pakistan?
Terror-bombings in India -- killing hundreds. (India has suffered a greater number of jihadist terror attacks than any other nation, including Israel.)
Malaysia has had its share of terroristic incidents.
Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq come next -- millions have been killed in those countries by fanatic jihado-thugs. And it is still going on.
There have been jihado-thug terror attacks in China, in the Central Asian "stans," and of course in Russia.
Have you forgotten Beslan?
Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt have been battered by jihado-thugs for many years.
In Algeria, hundreds of thousands have been killed by Islamist terrorists.
There have been jihado-thug terror attacks in Tunisia and in Morocco, as well.
Moving south in Africa, what about the burning of churches in Nigeria, and jihado-thug riots? What about Al Qaeda's bombing of US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (during the BJ Clinton presidency, may I add.)
In Europe, there has been considerable jihado-thuggery in Scandinavia, France, Germany, and the UK. The mobs in the environs of Paris shouted ALLAH AKBAR while they burned cars and buses. Spain has been victimized by Al Qaeda mass murders. And don't foget the NHS doctors who tried to carry out mass-murder attacks in London and Glasgow this spring.
What about the Iranian bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires? The Caribbean jihado-thugs who were plotting to blow up JFK Airport?
In the United States there have been terror attacks from coast to coast, from New York to Los Angeles, and many places in between.
All of the thugs responsible for all of these attacks around the world (and there have been more than 9,000 such attacks SINCE 9/11/01) say that they are carrying out these attacks in order to defend, support, and spread Islam.
You don't have to use sociological profiling to say that these attacks are the work of Islamist jihado-thug terrorists; you just have to listen to the terrorists themselves.
This is a worldwide war. As Harvard professor Samuel Huntington has said, "Islam has bloody borders." And that's not to mention the jihado-thuggery of Sunnis against Shias and Shias against Sunnis -- in Iraq, in Iran, and in Pakistan.
It is you who need to wake up, McCoy.
jihado-thuggery qas the term I ADDED to the title and i use the term and NOT MULSIM for aa specific reason:
muslims is the general term which applies to ONE BILLION + people, most of whom are non-violent.
jihadothugs is a more specific phrase and refers OBVIOUSLY to that segment of muslims who have used thuggery AROUND THE GLOBE - as punditarian related.
these are facts mcooy.
facts are obviously things u have a problem with.
u r an idiotiarian dupe and a scumbag.
northern seer's post relates FACTS which show that things have not changed much in copenhagen, scandinavia and around the world.
reapeat: u r a moron and a dupe.
your idiotic comments prove OUR points about "opponents" to WW4.
hey mccoy: CAPS CAPS CAPS !!!
mccoy - in typical leftist idiotarina style says:
"I’m assuming that you’re going to extend to the very western notion of innocence until proven guilt to the individual that’s been charged, or is your post premised on the not-so-liberal notion of guilt-without-trial?"
the analogy is revealing about the idiots of the left:
WW4 is a WAR, not a criminal prosecution - as u leftist seem to think.
the idiot dupe mccoy wrote of "xenophobia".
there is nothing on this blog which has ever hinted at that.
we hates the jihadists.
as i noted above, that's a specifics group. a sect.
as puditarian noted they have been responsible for years - if not decades - of terror and murder and genocide.
they have committed more genocide AGAINST MUSLIMS than anybody else.
by using the term xenphobia all you do mccoy is reveal that you are a dupe of leftism and postmodernism and multiculturalism.
this is what's given rise to the IDIOTIC PC refusal to profile.
a persons ethnicity and religion are certainly somewhat predictive of his or her propensity to commit terror, and SHOULD be taken into account along with other facts.
you and other idiot dupes of the left would have us ignore this simple truth.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (ALL CAPS!) come back often: you expose the idiocy of the "antiwar" crowd so so so so SO SO SO SO SO WELL!
luvya baby!
how r things in Saskatoon?
people who claim that jihado-thuggery is not a worldwide problem are in denial and/or dupes.
canada, the usa, the uk, sp[ain, france, italy, russia, turkey, the balkans, jordan, israel, egypt, algria, morocco, nigeriam sudan, yemen, saudi arabia, iraq, afghanistan, pakistan, india, thailand, philippines, australia, indonesia ALL HAVE SERIOUS AND REPEATED ATTACKS BY PEOPLE WHO TEHMSELVES PROCLAIM THEIR ALLEGIANCE TO JIHADISM.
nearly 10,000 attacks since 9/11.
tens of thousands killed.
MILLIONS if you include sudan and algeria.
pretty soon - if they keep this up, the jihadists will have caught up to the murder rate of the 20th century leftists!
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you were on TAB for over 2 hours, mccoy.
u da bess!
i mean TROLL since it BUGS you MORE!
Whenever Muslims in America are arrested for terror-related activities, CAIR and its fellow-travelers accuse the authorities of "profiling."
What they mean is "racial profiling," as described in this Wikipedia article:
Racial profiling, also known as ethnic profiling, is the inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether a person is considered likely to commit a particular type of crime (see Offender Profiling). Towards the end of the 20th century in the United States, the practice became controversial among the general public as the potential for abuse by law enforcement came to light.
To decide a priori that all Muslims are terrorists is obviously wrong.
However, to describe Al Qaeda, Hizb ut Tahir, Jaish al Islami, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the many, many other self-avowedly Islamic terrorist gangs as "Muslim terrorists" is NOT racial or ethnic or religious profiling.
It is merely taking seriously what they themselves say about themselves and their motivation.
Those who doubt that the leaders Al Qaeda, for example, are motivated by anything other than their particular version and vision of Islam, might try reading Raymond Ibrahim's new book, The Al Qaeda Reader. You can find it on Amazon, B&N, Borders, Powells, or any other online bookseller. From the book:
Despite our tendency to dismiss Islamic extremism as profoundly irrational, al-Qaeda is not without a coherent body of beliefs. Like other totalitarian movements, the movement’s leaders have rationalized their brutality in a number of published treatises. Now, for the first time, The Al Qaeda Reader gathers together the essential texts and documents that trace the origin, history, and evolution of the ideas of al-Qaeda founders Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden.
This extraordinary collection of the key texts of the al-Qaeda movement—including incendiary materials never before translated into English—lays bare the minds, motives, messages, and ultimate goals of an enemy bent on total victory. Al-Qaeda’s chilling ideology calls for a relentless jihad against non-Muslim "infidels," repudiates democracy in favor of Islamic law, stresses the importance of martyrdom, and mocks the notion of "moderate" Islam.
Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of these works is how grounded they are in the traditional sources of Islamic theology: the Koran and the teachings of the Prophet. The founders of al-Qaeda use these sources as powerful weapons of persuasion, reminding followers (and would-be recruits) that Muhammad and his warriors spread Islam through the power of the sword and that the Koran is not merely allegory or history but literal truth that commands all Muslims to action.
In addition to laying bare al-Qaeda’s ultimate motives, The Al Qaeda Reader includes the organization’s propagandist speeches, which are directed primarily at Americans, Europeans, and Iraqis. Here, al-Qaeda’s many "official" accusations against the West are meticulously delineated, from standard complaints such as the Palestinian issue and Iraq to wholly unexpected ones concerning the U.S.’s exploitation of women and the environment.
Taken together, the Theology and Propaganda sections of this volume reveal the most comprehensive picture of al-Qaeda to date. They also highlight the double-speak of bin Laden and Zawahiri, who often say one thing to Muslims in their religious treatises ("We must hate and fight the West because Islam commands it") and another in their propaganda directed at the West ("The West is the aggressor and we are fighting back merely in self-defense"). [Emphasis added.]
We're not making it up. It's time for all of us to be waking up.
Permalink - Posted by Punditarian @ 1:18 PM
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i mean TROLL since it BUGS you MORE..
and asshole, too.
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