Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Just a pathetic attempt by someone to rehabilitate his legacy at the cost of another's legacy.--Curt from Flopping Aces
Reliapundit has pointed out what a lying scumbag Tenet is in part 1 and part 2. George Tenet is being called many other names as well but when I reflect on it I would say that "lacking principle & backbone" is probably the most apt description for him. As I mentioned in my post on the fired attorneys, whoever the Republican nominee is that wins the presidency in 2008 had better clean house. Tenet was a Clinton holdover and the result is typical.

Tenet didn't like being demonized by the Drive By Media, so stabbing Bush and Cheney in the back is a way to get back in the Drive By's good graces. I call it despicable!!

Tenet has already been caught in numerous lies and he is getting hammered by the left and the right. I hope the $2 million dollar book deal was worth making an idiot out of himself and attacking decent men who had this country's best interest at heart.

Christopher Hitchens has written an excellent piece blasting Tenet entitled, A Loser's History: George Tenet's sniveling, self-justifying new book is a disgrace. Also, check out Wordsmith's hilarious pic on all of this.

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