Monday, March 26, 2007


POWER LINE (Paul Mirengoff):
the conventional liberal view of the Constitution: 20th century professors and law students are more enlightened than the Founders; Constitutional law is a vehicle for enacting policies too advanced for the voters of the time; "liberal" decisions are entitled to the deference of stare decisis, while "conservative" decisions are forever up for grabs.


DavidCyrus said...

...and the conventional conservative view of the Constitution...
- the President and his administration are more enlightened than the Founders;
- Constitutional law is a laborious process that is better circumvented by presidential decree;
- conservative decisions are never required to cite Constitutional precedent; in fact, ignoring the exact wording of the Constitution works best in most cases.

...got some time off, figured I'd drop by...

Reliapundit said...

kindly submit one example of each charge.

there has been not a single solitary "presdiential decree"

this is a figment of your leftist paranoia-like bds.

and the last one is a DOOZY!

conservatives ignore precedent!?!?! sheesh.ignoring the exact wording!?!?

cite one example.

DavidCyrus said...

One example?!?!

This ought to be a fun game- are you planning to do the same to support your claims? (I doubt it…)

(1) The Patriot Act was a Executive-branch sponsored and railroaded bill that stripped citizens of civil liberties. Bush and Co. figured that they understood the terrorist threat better than the old dusty Constitution or its authors could.

(2) Rather than follow the standard judicial process for gaining warrants for wiretaps, Bush and Co. instead decided to circumvent that process, by personally decreeing that due process wasn’t needed.

(3) The exact wording of the 2nd amendment cites the reason to allow the right to bear arms, and describes it as well-regulated. When has any NRA nut demanded well-regulated gun possession? Extra Bonus: The Right totally ignores the wording of the 1st amendment as well, in that “Congress shall make no law RESPECTING an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof and then rallies its followers by plotting and supporting religious-based federal laws, holidays, slogans, etc… Perfect Example: “…One nation, UNDER GOD…” That is a religious belief embedded in our Pledge of Allegiance. Need we even get into the Valerie Plame case being a violation by the Executive branch of the 1st amendment as well?

Reliapundit said...

u r n idiot david cyrus dunkle.

the patriot act is a duly passed ands constitutional law.

no one's civil liberties are diminished. none. this is a favorite bogeyman of lefties like you and fat rosie. R U ALSO A TRUTHER?

re: NSA intercepts: they were issued by persona POTUS decree. this is BS/hyperbole.

and BTWW: clinotn and carter did the saem thing - clinton actually ordered a sear5ch and seizure of a citizens private property. ALBRICH AMES. he was right to do so.

the NSA intercepts were legal. notice how NOBODY is saying bupkus about them - or the procedural changes at the FISA court to allow them to continue!?!?!?

i suggest that you ACTUALLY read the NRA on guns: they support 24 gunchecks and also MANDATORY life sentences for ALL gun crimes.

the DC circuit recently held that the 2nd amendment refers to personal ownership. and it does say SHALL MAKE NO LAWS. that's so clear even a lefie dupe like you should understand it!

BTW: PLEASE explain to me how taking guns away from innocent third parties/law-abiding citizens is supposed to lower crime!?!?!

it is an ILLOGICAL assertion.

as for the 1st amendment: it is AN ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE. it has nothing to do with religion in the public square. if you read the speeches of fdr and jfk they are littered with more references to God that GWBushes.

the 1st amend does not require atheism.

neither plame nor wilson had any of their rights violated by anyone.

it is truly bizarre that you bring them up in this context. bzarro. sheesh.

[BTW: the 16 words in the bush sotu are still TRUE. and wilson took over a year before he tried to refute them - and lied doing so. ONLY AFTER HE GIT A JOB WORKING FOR KERRY.]

you are one word fucking troll.

{maybe u r such a weird troll because u r very upset over sumpin personal and you are displacing? did you wife/&co-alum from C-M recently leave you?)

Reliapundit said...

repeat: 1st amendent has an anti-ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE, not a separation clause. tinkaboudit!