Since Roe, federal courts have held that a woman has the right to abort her pregnancy during the first trimester - which means the very human-looking baby in the video is who is being killed.
I think all woman seeking an abortion during the first trimester should see this first.
And this image only makes me more convinced that the only MORAL solution to unwanted pregnancies is adoption (if the pregnant woman can be convinced to go full-term), or embryo-removal/transplanting/adoption if she cannot be convinced to go full-term. This latter process doesn't exist yet, but of BOTH sides of the abortion debate would support financing research, then I believe we could make it a reality, andf that way make the political debate MOOT.
More HERE.
BOTTOM-LINE: What is being conceived when we use the term "CONCEPTION" if it is not a life? I believe life begins at conception, and the very use of the term conception proves that it does. Ending that life is murder. IMHO.
Since Roe, federal courts have held that a woman has the right to abort her pregnancy during the first trimester - which means the very human-looking baby in the video is who is being killed.
I think all woman seeking an abortion during the first trimester should see this first.
And this image only makes me more convinced that the only MORAL solution to unwanted pregnancies is adoption (if the pregnant woman can be convinced to go full-term), or embryo-removal/transplanting/adoption if she cannot be convinced to go full-term. This latter process doesn't exist yet, but of BOTH sides of the abortion debate would support financing research, then I believe we could make it a reality, andf that way make the political debate MOOT.
More HERE.
BOTTOM-LINE: What is being conceived when we use the term "CONCEPTION" if it is not a life? I believe life begins at conception, and the very use of the term conception proves that it does. Ending that life is murder. IMHO.
Abortion should never have been a topic for political whores. However now that it is this or a film like it should be manatory in every SEX ED class that is publically funded by tax dollars.
From the time of the first sex ed class all the way through the final year of college.
Democrats are aborting more than Republicans.
Children follow their parent's politics 4 to 1.
Never interfere when your enemy is making a mistake.
Let the Right instill its values in its children. Which seems to be working BTW.
Besides Darwin will fix it in the long run (a few hundred years in fact). Women who don't want to reproduce will not pass that trait on to their children. Women who's desire to reproduce is strong will have that trait passed on to their children.
You can't beat mother nature.
Besides I've never had an abortion foe who was able to explain to me why a black market in abortion is preferable to the current situation.
i was a child of card-carrying commi9es and a lifelong dem leftie, now i am a right wing hawk - which proves that change is possible with EDUCTION.
i agree with Bush that we need to creata culture of life.
i do not want to make all abortion illegal/criminalized YET. this should be done by unanimous proclamation. and will be one day - if we keep telling people the obvious --- that life begins at conception -- and if we work to find ALTERNATIVES to unwanted pregnancies which terminate the pregnancy but do not terminate the baby.
i am not so cynical to want my enemy - the left - to kill it's young which might very well include brilliant scientists, artists, politicians, even brilliant engineers.
we need to change the culture of the left and their entire way of thinking, NOT wait for them to go extinct.
at least that's how i feel.
lookit: on the one hand it's very appealing as a libertarian to say :if you're against abortion, then don;t have one."
on the other hand it is wrong and bad and immoral and self-defeating for the Judeo-Christian West to have half of it's people (the Left) killing their babies.
i feel that when we can convince the left that abortion is bad and all life sanctified, that we will have demolished a key plank if not foundation of their ideology.
and that will help us stop many other ills the left would foist on us as benefits - such as universal healthcare.
as i have blogged many times, when the state controls and pays for your retirement benefits and your healthcare then they have a double incentive not to give you expensive life-saving care when you are old.
and given our demographics these pressures/incentives are only going to get worse.
at that point the left will argue more vociferously for euthanasia; they will say it's MORE MORAL to make way for young people and use less resources by decreasing the world's human population of those who are least productive.
old age homes would naturally evolve onto euthanasia club where old dead-heads get stoned on the state and then ICED - for the common good, of course.
this is science fiction NOW, but is it morally different than aborting one's baby because its birth would interfere with one's lifestyle!?!?
these are BIG moral issues, and should not be ducked, and should not be the fodder of the political machines which today use abortion as a money-generating ploy.
if instead of raising money for the pro/anti-PAC's we raised money for medical science to find a way to terminate pregnancy without terminating the baby we would all win.
According to Jewish law abortion is permissible up til the 40th day of pregnancy.
In any case the best solution is to convince women "not to have one".
Once you make it illegal you get a black market. Sure you can demonstrate in front of a black market clinic - if you can find it.
When you make laws where the agreement is less that 99% enfoccement is very difficult.
Drug prohibition is a prime example. About 5% of the population uses drugs on a regular basis. Thus drug prohibition is a shambles.
A culture change is required. Laws do not do that well.
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