In Britain, Tony Blair's Cabinet is considering denying "priority treatment" to smokers, the obese, and people with drinking problems:
That's the compassion of the left at work. This may sound reasonable to some, but the question is, where does such policy end?
Experts warned this month that obesity, which costs the NHS £7bn a year, could bankrupt it if left unchecked and predicted that the proportion of obese adults would rise from one in five to one in three by 2010.
Smoking-related diseases cost an estimated £1.7bn a year, with the same amount spent on alcohol-related problems. The treatment of alcohol-related harm, such as violent crime and traffic accidents, costs an estimated £20bn.
If it is unreasonable to expect the state to provide "priority" care to those who smoke or drink then is it also unreasonable to provide priority care to those who take physical risks by playing sports?
After all, I'm sure statistics can be brought forth that such people account for a disproportionate amount of surgeries and other procedures for broken bones, torn ligaments, and concussions. And don't even get me started on all the rehab required. And, of course, there are all those who aren't fat, but who do eat a rich diet. And, what of those who insist upon having children despite having genetic predispositions towards certain diseases?
And, how long will these deficient people have to wait for their care? Until the problems get even worse, so that major invasive treatment is needed? Does that make sense? Or, do you think, perhaps, the compassionate Left intends to wait until the problems go away by themselves? You know, naturally, through the intervention of Grim Reaper himself?
Now that's what I call a Health Care Plan.
Reliapundit adds: REMEMBER: The Left designed the Social Security system here in the USA in 1930 to only begin pay out AFTER a person had EXCEEDED the average age of mortality. THAT'S NOT HUMANE LET ALONE GENEROUS. If people had their own personally controlled pension then they could retire when they see fit.
ALSO - as I wrote in the comments - because smoking and being "over-weight": are un-PC smokers and over-woeght people are "fair game" to the Left. Hence the Left has no reticence about freezing them out of benefits. Despite the FACT that there is a genetic component to tobacco addiction and obesity. In addition, the Left woud NEVER even think of proposing that those who get deadly STD's (like AIDS) be denied priority treatment even though these diseases are the result of VOLUNTARY behavior undertaken IRRESPONSIBLY (unprotected sex high risk).
BOTTOM LINE: this proves that those on the Left are NOT pragmantic intellectuals who know better how to solve social problems, but are in fact parochial elitists who want to pick winners and losers according to their own narrow values.
KEY QUESTION FOR SENIORS: Do YOU REALLY want the State to have final say over who gets what kind of care in life-or-death (and/or end-of-life) situations when you KNOW that the State has a basic CONFLICT OF INTEREST in these matters - as they save money TWO WAYS by denying seniors care: first by saving the medical expenses; second by saving the pension payout seniors would've gotten had they received the care and lived?!?! I sure don't.
Now that's what I call a Health Care Plan.
Reliapundit adds: REMEMBER: The Left designed the Social Security system here in the USA in 1930 to only begin pay out AFTER a person had EXCEEDED the average age of mortality. THAT'S NOT HUMANE LET ALONE GENEROUS. If people had their own personally controlled pension then they could retire when they see fit.
ALSO - as I wrote in the comments - because smoking and being "over-weight": are un-PC smokers and over-woeght people are "fair game" to the Left. Hence the Left has no reticence about freezing them out of benefits. Despite the FACT that there is a genetic component to tobacco addiction and obesity. In addition, the Left woud NEVER even think of proposing that those who get deadly STD's (like AIDS) be denied priority treatment even though these diseases are the result of VOLUNTARY behavior undertaken IRRESPONSIBLY (unprotected sex high risk).
BOTTOM LINE: this proves that those on the Left are NOT pragmantic intellectuals who know better how to solve social problems, but are in fact parochial elitists who want to pick winners and losers according to their own narrow values.
KEY QUESTION FOR SENIORS: Do YOU REALLY want the State to have final say over who gets what kind of care in life-or-death (and/or end-of-life) situations when you KNOW that the State has a basic CONFLICT OF INTEREST in these matters - as they save money TWO WAYS by denying seniors care: first by saving the medical expenses; second by saving the pension payout seniors would've gotten had they received the care and lived?!?! I sure don't.
How about denying priority care to folks who get a disease from consensual sex - or drug use?
After all, unprotected sex and intravenous drug use are KNOWN HIGH RISK BEHAVIORS - just like smoking.
I betchya that AIDS never gets on any suck list because it is a POLITICALLY CORRECT disease.
And like you pointout, this really proves that the Left is full of shit when it comes to universality of healthcare.
the Left is truly only all about their desire to creat utopia by them picking winners and losers.
i believe in universal humanrights. not universal heathcare paid by third parties.
the nhs and other state run threid party pay systems all SUCK.
berlusconi did not go to Cuba or England or france for his heart surgery; he came to the USA.
as do most people who can afford it. who have the choice.
and the nhs makes you wait WEEKS for an STD test even if you have a discharge. which is BAD PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY. but they can't help it: it's a bankrupt system.
yoiu have to wait months for other surgeries.
and then they don't do certain surgeries we do do on older people. they just let them die. WHY NOT?! it saves them mucho money: they don't spend a dime on the operation, and they don't have to continue to pay out the state pension - to the person the "let die".
make no mistake about it: the left wants to socialize medicine here too.
and the same bad resulkts will occur if they do.
they want to make the USA into the USSR.
well, we at TAB will not go down without a fight!
Good point about Berlucsconi.
The French healthcare system is so bad that 15,000 people died in their facilities during a heatwave.
But, of course, that must have been George Bush's fault because of Global Warming, so what am I thinking?
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