San Anselmo's Pat La Tray, who built the gallows and has this display on his front yard, doesn't think so:
"It is a patriotic symbol," La Tray said. "It has nothing to do with race or religion."...Predictably, CAIR has something to say about La Tray's gallows and effigy:
La Tray said he moved to the house in 2002 with his wife, Nong. As a veteran of several wars, he said he is offended people don't stand up for American troops.
"I'm an American to the bone," he said. "For me, it is strictly about Islamo-fascism."
Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for the Washington D.C.-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, said he hears about similar displays from time to time across the country and understands the frustration caused by terrorism. But, he added, there are better ways to express opposition to it that don't reinforce stereotypes against Arabs or Muslims who don't participate....As far as I know, CAIR has yet to name a specific terrorist or terrorist organiztion and issue a specific condemnation, although CAIR did condemn the recent Holocaust Conference without mentioning Ahmadinejad's name despite the fact that he is a Shi'ite. I note that CAIR had no trouble mentioning David Duke's name and condemning that anti-Semite. Would CAIR condemn the effigy on La Tray's property if that effigy were plainly Osama Bin Laden or any other Sunni terrorist?
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