Wednesday, December 20, 2006


The war that's erupted between Fatah and Hamas has continued; the violence even extended to a hospital facility:
A fierce gunbattle erupted early Tuesday within the compound of Shifa hospital in Gaza City between the security personal of Hamas and Fatah, witnesses and hospital officials said. One member of the Hamas executive force was killed in the exchange and 11 were wounded, one seriously.

The gunbattle erupted as the warring factions were trying to hold on to a shaky truce that followed days of unrest in Gaza, after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called for early elections. The gunbattle, which raged for nearly an hour, sent schoolchildren scurrying for cover as they made their way to school. Rival gunmen took up positions of rooftops, some firing rocket-propelled grenades at each other.
It's being reported now, that there was "truce" made between the two sides with the help of Egyptian intermediaries, but analysts are skeptical that it'll hold. Even I don't think it'll hold so easily, and there's every chance more violence will continue to erupt between them, and probably already has.

Reliapundit adds: UPDATE: AP reports that Hamas forces have been seen withdrawing from the streets of Gaza City. IOW: Gaza City is no longer "occupied" by Hamas! Heh.

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