More news that suggests the situation in Iraq is not as dire as Carl Levin and Charlie Rangel seem to think:
The Iraqi city of Fallujah, which two years ago was the site of one of the fiercest battles between insurgents and Americans, has become a stabilized safe haven. In fact, the city, termed “a gated community” by one of the Marine commanders responsible for it, is receiving as many as 150 people per day seeking to escape the ongoing violence in Baghdad.
This news was reported by the Marine Corps Times. Why not the New York Times? Because it doesn't fit the New York Times' support for the "insurgency." (Hat tip: AJ Strata.)
Many people I know who think of themselves as mild-mannered "left-of-center folks" think that when we charge the NYTIMES and the Left of supporting the "insurgents" that we are "over the top." As if no American of any poltical or partisan persuasion could ever do that. But I agree that it is true.
I don't think that most of them do this because they really like a lot about the enemy - the jihadists.
I think they do this because they most want to expand their Leftist, anti-traditional, anti-West, anti-Judeo-Christian policies here - in the USA, and they're willing to do just about anything to achieve this end. And if that means torpedoing the free world along with Bush, so be it.
They care more about socializing healthcare, gay marriage, abortion on demand, unilateral disarmament, raising taxes IOWon the wealthy and industry and free markets, than they do the liberating humanity from tyranny, genocide, and poverty.
They fundamentally do not feel that the USA and our way of life (which they feel is greedy, capitalistic, sexist and harmful to the ecology) is worth defending. Or that those who oppose so-called US hegemony are worth opposing.
In this light opne can see why they hate Saudis (because they literally and figuratively fuloe the West's industrialism and free enterprise), and admire the Taliban and mujahadeen - call the freedpom fighters; in the minds of Leftists the jiahdiosts are fighting for freedom from US capitalism, just as they are.
IOW: they are bound by a commoin hatred of free enterprise. Lefties therefore choose to ignore all else.
I guess I'm sayiong that they dopn;t see that they support the "insurgents" becasue they only see that they have a common enemy. And they believe that they can appeaw the insurgents by giving them the Golan the West bank iraq even half of Jerusalem - and maybe even one day all of Israel. And the Moros and south Thailnad. ETC and so on.
IOW: The Left would be willing to give up anything everywhere else to get gay marriage and abortion on demand here.
I agree with you completely, and I like the way that you have brought this out.
The lefties think that because UBL and Al Qaeda are fighting against American troops, and fighting against the Bush Administration, that UBL and Al Qaeda are a minor part of the leftwing anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist, anti-heterosexist, anti-capitalist coalition.
They think that UBL is just another one of their useful idiots.
They imagine that after Al Qaeda has destroyed Europe and the Middle East, bringing Western Civilization to its deserved end, they will slink back to their Afghan caves, and that then Gail Collins & Tom Hayden will be able to govern this country.
Nevertheless, they choose to report and slant the news in a way that emboldens and empowers the enemy, and there should be no doubt about that at all.
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