Europe's "Little Ice Age" may have been triggered by the 14th Century Black Death plague, according to a new study. Pollen and leaf data support the idea that millions of trees sprang up on abandoned farmland, soaking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This would have had the effect of cooling the climate, a team from Utrecht University, Netherlands, says. The Little Ice Age was a period of some 300 years when Europe experienced a dip in average temperatures.
OKAY... by extension... if more treees mean lower temperatures, then less trees mean warmer temperatures. OR OLDER TREES (which absord much less CO2 than young growing trees.
This seems to bear out an earlier study, by scientists out of CAL-IRVINE, which suggested that the Amazon Rainforest is actually causing global warming because the trees in the Amazon are the oldest they've ever been - meaning the Amazon is NOT absorbing as much CO2 as it did a hundred years ago when most of the tress were younger and growing fast.
Which implies that the best way to halt "TREE-MADE GLOBAL WARMING" would be IF WE CUT DOWN HUGE SWATHES OF THE AMAZON RAINFOREST AND THEN REPLANTED IT WITH YOUNG, FAST-GROWING TREES! These trees would bind up much more CO2. Once cut down, the old trees could be turned into lumber, houses and furniture - and therefore they would NOT decay and add any CO2 to the atmosphere.
Those who doubt the magnitude of this should note that the Amazon forest contains 35% of all the carbon bound up in land-based vegetation! IOW: it has a HUGE effect on our atmosphere - more than all the man-made industry COMBINED! If we really want to lower atmospheric CO2, then we MUST cut down all t he old trees in the Amazon and replace them with young trees.
This is exactly the opposite of what the Leftie "save the earth" econazis rail on and on and on about. In fact - these studies seem to suggest - the Leftie econazis who say "SAVE THE RAINFOREST" are the true cause of global warming! "Protecting" the Amazon is causing global warming! How effingly ironically delicious!
Too bad there are no politicians with balls big or steely enough to actually propose this logical and scientific plan.
you're bonkers
95 per cent of the scientific community accept that global warming is a reality and are trying to figure what to do about it. If 95 per cent supported a new cure for cancer you wouldnt doubt them for a second so Im assuming you're either insane or working for one of the special interest groups that continue disbelieve the reality. Planting trees isnt going to be anywhere near enough of a ploy to sequestrate the amount of CO2 away that is continually being unlocked by burning of fossil fuels which are the result of centuries of natural sequestration.
er um you two anon JERKS don't read too good!
sure: there is global warmoing.
but what the casue is is NOT known.
this post - and the one linked to in it - reveal SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that glaobal warming and global cooling is HISTORICALLY linked to forests and forest GROWTH.
Since it is a PROVEN FACT that the Amazon has more old SLOW-GROWING trees in it than EVER, it is A FACT that the Amazon is binding up LESS CO2 THAN EVER.
This reduced capacity to bind up CO2 may be what is causing the global warming we are experienceing at the present time.
YUP: clear-cutting the Amazon would stop global warming! (Becasue the new young trees would buind up more CO2 than the old trees now in the forest.
this may not fit ion with ytour paganistic earty-worshipping human-hating industry-hating ideology, but it fits with the facts.
how many forests make a coal seam?
since when did I say anything about earth worship Im more interested in self preservation
Its too big a problem to think changing youre car is going to have any effect at all
what do you do with the old trees you cut down - bury them then compress them what have you got more coal
youre talking about cosmetics here
go nuclear and fast is my answer
Im still gettin a boat just in case
yo geoff - thanls for poppin back in.
facts are stubborn things.
(1) cut trees decay and release CO2 if they ROT but not if they are used for construction/furniture. so if we clear cut the Amazon and USED the timber for INDUSTRY and replanted them with young FAST-GROWING trees then we wouod DECREASE the CO2 in the atmosphree and slow gloabl warmong whioch is caused by an increase in CO2/greenhouse gases.
(if global warming is solar-caused than NOTHING we do will chnage it.
since gloabl climate chanmge is a part of ourt geological past - and since the degree of change we are expeienceing now is NOT outside the range the earth has experienced in the past, maybe we should just adapt to it, and not worry too much.
the melitng of the ice in the arctic and green;land could be a huge boon to mankind: ioncreased food stocks and MORE LAND, than that wich mioght become covered by any rise in sea levels.)
MY MAIN POINT IS: the hysterical andti-industrial arguments by the leftoie econazis are NOT scientifically sound, and that there are competing theories as to what's happening and wehat might be done about it.
therefore KYOTO-like/draconian measures are entirely uncalled for.
nuke energy us one answer as is clerar-cutting old forests.
the greebnhouse gas trade migh actually be increasing gloabl warmiong: by getting income for poor third world nations NOT to cut down any trees.
this is typical of leftist plicies wehich are almost ALWAYS 180degrees wrong.)
all the best.
I found this on china in the guardian newspaper a national newspaper in the UK whose web site is completely free,,1719546,00.html
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