Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Ohio News Network:
Ohio's Republican leader wants Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Paul Hackett to apologize for calling some conservative Republicans religious fanatics and comparing them to terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden. Hackett was unapologetic Tuesday for the comments in a newspaper story, saying religious fanatics of any flavor should be ashamed. "I said it. I meant it. I stand behind it," he said.

Hackett said in a Sunday column in The Columbus Dispatch: "The Republican Party has been hijacked by the religious fanatics that, in my opinion, aren't a whole lot different than Osama bin Laden and a lot of the other religious nuts around the world."
How many BESLAN's has Jerry Falwell organized!? How many teams of suicidal thugs has Pat Robertson trained to hijack jets and and fly them into skyscrapers!? Do they teach terror techniques at Bob Jones University!? Are born-again Christians likely teach bomb-making, suicide-bombing, or inculcate genocidal hatred!?

NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. In other words: America's religious right and the jihadoterrorists are LIGHT YEARS apart. Hackett's comment is either a slanderous lie (if he knows the falseness of his comparison, and is merely pandering to the MOVEON.ORG-types), or the thoughtless ravings of an immoral idiot.

Equating America's religious right with the islamofascists and jihadoterrorists is NO DIFFERENT than calling President Bush "King George BusHitlerburton" or our previous USA AG AshKKKroft. By asserting that America's religious right is as dangerous as Al Qaeda, Paul Hackett has proven that he's as loony as Cindy Sheehan. And - sadly - as loony as so many MANY other Democrats, and much of the McGovernite Democrat Party leadership. Their rhetoric is nothing more than an idiotic blend of shameless and irrational hyperbole, demogogic hate-speech, and thoughtless pandering. Hackett is no different: Hackett has proven that he is NOT FIT for public office, but sadly, he has proven that he is QUITE FIT to get a Democrat Party nomination. How sickening. Especially for me: a registered Democrat since 1974. Jerks like Hackett make me want to puke.

NOTE: When you put Hackett's remarks alongside Hillary's plantation remarks, AND Nagin's chocolate remarks, AND Gore's over-the-top accusations on the NSA intercept brouhaha, AND the shabby treatment Alito received at the hands of Kennedy, Durbin, and Schumer, then a clear picture emerges: the Democrat Party is abso-bloomin-lutely INSANE! (Or under the Svengali-esque control of Rove!) Malkin weighs in HERE, (hat tip Prairie Pundit).


Reliapundit said...

thanks kyle. spread the word.

the Left still dominates the MSM and "the academy" and until we have diversity and balance there the dems will regenerate.

if it weren't for the msm and the academy being under their overwhelming and disproportionate domination, the left would amount to AT MOST 10-15% of the electorate.

you warn about how trhis often leads to violence. maybe. it already has led to very dangerous leaks, which amount to attempts at a coup d'etat.

and of course: the dems wouldn;t do very well at the polls if it wasn;t for their fraud at the polls.

IMHO: the Dems stole (thorugh voter fruad) PA, Wisconsin, Michigan, and tried to steal Iowa, Missouri, Virginia, and many other states.

the dems are nothing more than shills for the government workers unions, and hawkers of socialism -- a political/economic system which has failed or underperformed our system everywhere and everytime.

and of course - getting back to your comment: socialist were behind 100MILLION deaths in the last century.

truly, socialism murdered more people in the 20th C than religion did in all preoicus 20 centuries.

plus socialism stole peoples property.

folks who advocate socialism/nationalization of industries and who are against free trade are either ignorant or evil. or both.

as these loony comments by hillary and hackett and nagin and teddy jo et al PORVE: they are both.

all the best.

Gandalin said...

And another thing. The BIAS of the mass media is unbelievable. Ray Nagin said it was GOD'S plan that New Orleans belong to one particular race of human beings! And he said that Hurricane Katrina was GOD'S punishment for the liberation of Iraq! If a Pat Robertson or a Jerry Falwell had said anything in a similar vein, the press would be comparing them with the Taliban, just as Paul Hackett did. The mainstream media will do their utmost to cover for Nagin and Hackett. I think many of them are just as loopy as the loonies on the left.