Is the MSM disseminating a false meme (IOW: filthy Leftist propaganda) regarding the FISA/NSA brouhaha? I think so. Here's evidence:
HITS ON GOOGLE NEWS FOR "international spying" - ONE.
HITS ON GOOGLE NEWS FOR "domestic spying" - 3,160.
That's "1/3160" and "807/1,570,000." THIS IS AN ASTOUNDING EXAMPLE OF PILING ON! Only 0.00005 of all the stories on this matter lead with the FACT that the calls which Bush wanted intercepted by the NSA (not the FBI or the CIA but he NSA) were INTERNATIONAL.
Since the TRUTH is that Bush only authorized intercepts of INTERNATIONAL CALLS - and only from al Qaeda and their affiliates, in and out of the country - when the MSM and the Left portrays this as "domestic spying" they are distorting to such a degree that, for all intents and purposes, THEY ARE LYING.
And they are deliberately lying about this aspect of the story because they know that Americans WON'T GIVE A HOOT if only foreigner's and terrorist's rights are infringed. They know they need to make it SEEM like Bush authorized the NSA to snoop on EVERYONE'S calls domestically.
This is a classic Leftist tactic: Leftists regularly use CONFLATION, and conflation is a logical fallacy. EXAMPLE: "Some of A is B; some of C is B; therefore C is A." THIS IS FALSE. And so is the charge that Bush ordered DOMESTIC surveillance.
As Churchill said, a lie travels round the world five times before the truth gets its pants on. A contemporary of Churchill's - Goebbels - invented the BIG lie. Today's post-modern Left and the MSM they dominate have perfected it.
ADDENDUM: ACCORDING TO FISA - if ONE party in a communication between two parties is non-US person, or if one party is not in the USA, then it is an INTERNATIONAL call, and then the NSA and the president have a freer hands. FISA - 1801 (f):
Since the TRUTH is that Bush only authorized intercepts of INTERNATIONAL CALLS - and only from al Qaeda and their affiliates, in and out of the country - when the MSM and the Left portrays this as "domestic spying" they are distorting to such a degree that, for all intents and purposes, THEY ARE LYING.
And they are deliberately lying about this aspect of the story because they know that Americans WON'T GIVE A HOOT if only foreigner's and terrorist's rights are infringed. They know they need to make it SEEM like Bush authorized the NSA to snoop on EVERYONE'S calls domestically.
This is a classic Leftist tactic: Leftists regularly use CONFLATION, and conflation is a logical fallacy. EXAMPLE: "Some of A is B; some of C is B; therefore C is A." THIS IS FALSE. And so is the charge that Bush ordered DOMESTIC surveillance.
As Churchill said, a lie travels round the world five times before the truth gets its pants on. A contemporary of Churchill's - Goebbels - invented the BIG lie. Today's post-modern Left and the MSM they dominate have perfected it.
ADDENDUM: ACCORDING TO FISA - if ONE party in a communication between two parties is non-US person, or if one party is not in the USA, then it is an INTERNATIONAL call, and then the NSA and the president have a freer hands. FISA - 1801 (f):
(3) the intentional acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any radio communication, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes, and if both the sender and all intended recipients are located within the United States; or ..."
IN OTHER WORDS: For a FISA court order to be necessary: (a) "the person has a REASONABLE expectation of privacy"; (BUT, NOBODY TALKING TO AN AL QAEDA AGENT DOES HAVE THAT EXPECTATION!); and (b) BOTH sender and receiver MUST be in the USA; the calls which Bush wanted intercepted were INTERNATIONAL - meaning ONE PARTY WAS OUTISDE THE USA.
You put alot of effort into proving your point and I commend your efforts.
I completly agree with you, the calls were internationa, and therefore the NSA had the athority to do what they needed to do.
And I agree outing this secret may have alerted our enemies, but the damage is not to severe, we can continue to moniter peoples calls, they will be more catious, but Im sure we can continue to do it.
And yes, Im just as shocked as you are that we agree on somthing.
Wrong provsion , dude. Subp. 3 refers to radio communicaitons;
subp. 2 covers the NSA intercepts, and requires a warrant if either party is in the US and neitehr has consented.
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