It seems the motto of the Left or the so-called "PROGRESSIVES" should be "If at first you don't succeed, then tell the BIG LIE!" Here's proof they love the BIG LIE - three recent examples:
(1) THE IRAQ WAR: As recently as YESTERDAY, (and for some time now), Instapundit has done a GREAT job exposing one BIG REVISIONIST LIE of the Left (a WHOPPER by the NYTIMES as recently as YESTERDAY!): that WMD was the only reason Bush gave for the war BEFORE the war, and that democracy of Iraq and the Middle East was an after thought. That's just a LIE!
AND NEVER FORGET CHRENKOFF - (when you say "Iraq and truth" you must ALWAYS think of CHRENKOFF FIRST!) - who exposes several MSM REVISIONIST LIES on Iraq HERE.
BOTTOM-LINE: Before the war, Bush had expressed many reasons for war against Saddam and spreading democracy was a major one. The Left cannot get away with lying about this.
(2) FILIBUSTERS: Powerline has done a great job of exposing a major MSM/(DT-version) lying about the utility/advisability of the FILIBUSTER.
BOTTOM-LINE: Filibusters are NOT protected by - or even mentioned in the Constitution, and they were once scorned by the Left who now treats them as sacrosanct. The Left cannot get away with their hypocrisy or their lying about this.
(3) And let's NEVER FORGET TERRY SCHIAVO, or the BIG LIE the Left - and their dupes in the center (like Jeff Jarvis) - are trying to promote about what Congress did to try to get her parents a de novo hearing in federal court:
They're claiming that it was a PARTISAN effort when it passed the Senate UNANIMOUSLY, and passed the House by 75% and had the support of liberal-lefties like Senator Tom Harkin, columnist Nat Hentoff, and so-called Reverend Jesse Jackson!
BOTTOM-LINE: The efforts by Congress were BI-PARTISAN, and the Left cannot get away with lying about this.
Thank God we have something called the "NEW MEDIA" and thank God it's peopled with bloggers who will NOT let the Left - or the MSM they dominate - get away with their selfish lies, deceits and hypocrisies. (Check all out these links - they're LINK-FILLED!)
UPDATE: I finally know why folks on the Left call themselves "progressives:" THEIR LIES AND HYPOCRISIES GET PROGRESSIVELY BIGGER BADDER AND WORSER!
My goodness, what a succint, intelligent comment. You are very fortunate Astute Blogger to have such an insightful readership. And besides, I thought this was the worst blog ever.
Nope...this is still the worst blog ever....loser.
For the record, explanation of the law and policy, fact basis of the decision for Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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