Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Video link to my favorite '04 RNC speech: Zell Miller

I cried during a moment in Zell Miller's 1992 Madison Square Garden DNC speech, (when he nominated Clinton). The part when he told about how he was born in a little holler in northwest Georgia - a little town, a poor town, with no electricity or phones or running water. And one day, when he was still a little boy, and he was sitting on the porch of his family's home with his momma, she pointed down to the little dirt road that meandered through the bottom of the holler. And she said to him, "Zell, you see that road there? You can get ANYWHERE you want on that road!"
And she was right: in America you can get wherever you want. (Why just today, President Bush nominated Al Gonzales - the son of Mexican migrant workers - to be Attorney General of the United States of America! MAN: Is this a great country, or what!?)
Zell's 2004 speech - also delivered in NYC at Madison Square Garden - is even BETTER than the one in '92.
And it's worth another look. Click here, and watch Zell. I think you'll agree: He was GREAT! Thanks, Zell!

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