Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Over at Slate, the overwrought Jacob Weisberg writes:
Many have discoursed on what an Obama victory could mean for America. We would finally be able to see our legacy of slavery, segregation, and racism in the rearview mirror. Our kids would grow up thinking of prejudice as a nonfactor in their lives. The rest of the world would embrace a less fearful and more open post-post-9/11 America. But does it not follow that an Obama defeat would signify the opposite? If Obama loses, our children will grow up thinking of equal opportunity as a myth. His defeat would say that when handed a perfect opportunity to put the worst part of our history behind us, we chose not to. In this event, the world's judgment will be severe and inescapable: The United States had its day but, in the end, couldn't put its own self-interest ahead of its crazy irrationality over race.
Why does Weisberg think that electing Obama would make the rest of the world embrace America? Because Obama is a Democrat? Because Obama is a socialist? Because Obama can speak a little Bahasa Indonesia?


Weisberg thinks that America ought to elect Obama because Obama is black.

Obama's blackness is the quality that Weisberg thinks critical and crucial in this campaign. Weisberg supports Obama because Obama is black.

Doesn't that make Weisberg the racist here?

Even more tellingly, Weisberg thinks that the only reason anybody would vote against Obama is because Obama is black.

Not because he is completely inexperienced. Not because he does not have a single worthy accomplishment to his name. Not because he is the crony of corrupt crooks. Not because he is the buddy of unrepentant Marxist-Leninist terrorists. Not because his foreign policy is shameful appeasement and cowardly surrender. Not because his domestic policy is class warfare, race mongering, and envy. Not because (although he voted "present" 130 times in in the Illinois State Senate) he voted in favor of infanticide.

Weisberg thinks the only reason anybody would vote against Obama is because Obama is black.

And that underscores and highlights in bold the fact that Weisberg is supporting Obama only because Obama is black.

Weisberg is the racist. The Democrat Party is the racist party. Their whole campaign is just a sickening, cynical minstrel show.

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