So, if the US fed gov't is monitoring a few million call records it is, IN FACT, a highly targeted program - I mean, sheesh, "tens of millions" out of 400 BILLION/year, that's like what.... .25%, AT BEST.
And, it's a legal program too - WITHOUT a warrant. At least according to the SCOTUS; (see Smith vs Maryland, 1979 - a DECISION written by liberal hero Blackmun!), AND ACCORDING TO US CODE! (MORE HERE. AND HERE.)
This makes perfect, common sense, when you think about it: Gathering and analyzing call RECORDS is more like a police roadblock which stops EVERYONE (even though the police are searching for someone in particular), than it is like a search of a single car. Or look at it this way: It's more like the surveillance of all the people coming and going from a suspect's home, than it's like the search of the suspect's home. In both cases the former requires NO WARRANT, while the latter does.
And those who claim that subsequent laws passed by Congress "closed that loophole" conveniently forget that the Constitution can only be altered by AMENDMENT: Congress cannot pass a law which makes illegal something which is constitutional - only an AMENDMENT can do that.
Those who deride the Bush Administration for this highly targeted and entirely legal effort are not dummies; THEY KNOW THIS, and they deride Bush anyhow - just for temporary political gain. It's shameless and disgusting - and IT AIDS THE ENEMY!
The Left knows this, too. They don't care. The Left would rather hurt Bush, than hurt the REAL enemy. The Left has always put their own anti-West/anti-free market/anti-religion socialist/partisan political goals ahead of everything and anything else.
This attack against Bush, Hayden and the NSA is merely another in a long line of attacks which prove that the Left -- and the MSM they dominate -- couldn't care less if their tactics mean we could lose Iraq, or WW4 - AS LONG AS THEY HURT BUSH.
WHY WOULD THEY RISK LOSING WW4?! Because they value multiculturalism. abortion, euthanasia, socialized medicine, government pensions, and the "progressive" tax system more than they value individual liberty.
TRIALS LAWYERS ARE ALREADY SUING THE TELECOMS WHICH LAWFULLY COOPERATED WITH THE NSA FOR BILLIONS!The Left is a Fifth Column, undermining our efforts to defeat the enemy. In fact, they're the only force which can lead to a victory for the enemy. For if they get in power, they will SURRENDER. Of course, they'll call it appeasement, or raprochement, or detente, or "PEACE IN OUR TIME." YUP: they'll do to the Iraqis and Afghanis what they did to the South Vietnamese in 1975, and the Contras in 1982 and the Cuban Freedom Fighters in 1962, the Tutsis in 1994, and Eastern Europe at Yalta in February 1945 - and so on: ABANDON THEM.
Heck, this could be a bigger windfall for "Dem/Left ambulance chasers/trial lawyers" than the bogus Cerebral Palsy (CP) lawsuits lawyer-scumbags like John Edwards brought against good OB-GYN's. These lawusits made scum like Edwards rich, and drove good doctors out of the business of delivering children. AND THE WHOLE THING WAS BOGUS! All lawyer-scumbags like Edwards did was convince a jury that the CP of the baby was the fault of the doctor. This is something which has since been proven to be ENTIRELY BOGUS. Has Edwards returned the money!? HA! Scum. Well, these very same type of "trial lawyers" are now suing the telecoms FORT BILLIONS? CONCIDENCE?! Hardly. This type of scum cares not a whit if they ruin doctors lives, wreck the practice of sound medicine - AS LONG AS THEY THEMSELVES GET RICH. The lawyers who are suing the telecoms over the NSA brouhaha don't care if they damage Bush or our efforts to win WW4 - AS LONG AS THEY GET RICH. Scum.
This is why I actually consider a Democrat/Left/dove victory in the Fall to be the single GREATEST threat we face as a civilization. Seriously: it'd be like the Brits electing Chamberlain PM in 1943!