After graduating from Harvard Law, the then utterly unknown Obama was contacted by a bright aggressive NYC literary agent who thought - because of Obama's mixed heritage and modest background - BHO Jr might have an interesting story to tell. They signed a contract. After much work, the agent sold Obama Jr's book. It was Obama Jr's first.Personal behavior like this reveals lot; it reveals that in Barack Hussein Obama Jr's world, trust and honor mean NOTHING. Which is exactly what McCain's wrote of Barack Hussein Obama Jr, not too long ago.
After Obama Jr's pretty and pretty well-received convention speech in 2004 - (and before he was elected to the Senate) - he broke this contract with this agent, (the one who picked him up out of nowhere and got him his first book deal), in order to sign with a bigger agent, (to whom he was introduced by perjurer Bill Clinton).
Instead of being loyal to the agent who helped put him on the map, he dumped her the first chance he got, and jumped on to the roster of a bigger bigshot - who didn't have to break a sweat in order to sell Obama Jr's SECOND book! (Barack Hussein Obama Jr. eventually agreed to a settlement for breaking his contract with his first agent.)
SURE: Barack Hussein Obama Jr. does have a nice voice, and he's very loquacious. He may even seem charming to some. Nice qualities all. Essential, too, if you want a career as a singer or a game show host. But being president requires more. More than Barack Hussein Obama Junior has. It matters not what his name is; it matters only that he possess the right stuff. Obama does not.
More on OBAMA-RAMA here and a video of him here - gosh: he is REALLY SMOOTH. I think Barack's so smooth that he could replace Pat Sajak AND Vanna White!
UPDATE - 12/05/06: Memeorandum has an OBAMA FOR PREZ round-up.