Lynn said that, according to his reading of the first amendment - (which reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;) - "the government shall not own or operate or display religious symbols."
I guess that means that he and the ACLU will next sue the Department of Defense to remove all the crosses from Arlington National Cemetery!!! Don't laugh - they'll probably get to it right after they remove the word GOD from our motto our money and our pledge!
WHY IS THIS ANTI-RELIGION EFFORT SUCH AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE LEFT'S AGENDA? Because the Left worships the State - and they want the State run by atheistic socialist intellectuals; therefore traditional religion - and priests and rabbis - are quite simply THE COMPETITION!
PS: Another thing Lynn said today: that "the Ten Commandments is a symbol of just one religion." I wonder which one that is!? The "Judeo-Christian" one?! The Jewish one!? The Protestant one!? The Catholic one!? The Lutheran one!? And so on... IT'S EFFING RIDICULOUS! The constitution says the government shall not establish a religion; it does not say that it may not express or reflect some religiousness or any relgiousity - and the fact that Congress opens each day with a prayer IS PROOF that this is so.
The atheistic socialist intellectual elites have been trying to destroy Western Civilization since they fomented the Counter-Culture Revolution in the 1960's; (I know: I was part of it!). They have the same aim now, only now they're trying to use the courts to accomplish what they could not accomplish by popular revolution.
The Left's basic anti-Western attitude is why they've had such a hard time joining in with Bush and attacking the neojihadists; in the neojihadists the Left saw a powerful ally in their long-standing effort to destroy America, and with America the West and Western traditions. It's also why they would rather align themselves with Third World dictators like Fidel and Chavez and Mugabe ( and Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot and Mao before them) than with the capitalist/industrialized/God-fearing West: to the Left, cultural and economic colonialism are the "capital crimes" that the West committed against the Third World; they're the reason why the West deserves to die - as far as the Left is concerned.
If the Left truly wanted people in the Third World to have more wealth and live longer healthier lives, then they'd advocate more globalization and more industrialization for the Third World, and not less consumption or less production in the West, in the First World.
The Left, though, remains opposed to capitalism and industrialization - it's basically why they are pro-KYOTO (which is a horrifying "anti-economic/anti-industrial growth" treaty which threatens global economic ruin).
But reality has VERY LITTLE to do with the Leftist agenda; Marxist orthodoxy has EVERYTHING to do with it. And, after all, Marx was anti-religion. And that's basically why Barry Lynn is too. It has NOTHING to do with the First Amendment, and everything to do with Marxist socialism. Take it from me: I used to be a Leftist. Before I saw the Light.
The Left knows that they could never get any Amercian legislature to ban religious symbols and references to the Creator from all government auspices, events, objects, etc. That's why they've taken the issue to the courts: this is the Left's last chance at inflicting their atheistic, anti-traditional, anti-West program on to all Americans, and if we can defeat them on this issue NOW, then it will be as big a blow to them as the Bush Doctrine has been to tyranny in the Middle East.