Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hezbollah overlord obliterated

The IDF just scored a most vital victory in the war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, eliminating Hassan Nasrallah, the overlord of the terrorist organization:
On Friday afternoon, shortly before Shabbat, the IDF conducted a precise strike, eliminating Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi confirmed.

The strike took place in Hezbollah’s underground headquarters in the heart of Beirut, along with other senior officials in the terrorist organization.

Halevi stressed, "Nasrallah indiscriminately murdered Israeli civilians and aimed to end this war with the destruction of the State of Israel. We made sure that did not occur. We eliminated him, and we will continue to grow stronger."

He added, "Hezbollah has murdered innocent people worldwide, hiding his weapons under the homes of families, women and children and turning them into human shields."

"As we have shown, we will not allow such a threat to our citizens! We are determined to continue destroying the Hezbollah terrorist organization and to keep fighting. We have more missions ahead on all fronts—destroying terrorist organizations and their capabilities, returning our hostages—the mission is constantly before our eyes! As well as the safe return of the residents in the north and south to their homes.

"This week, the year comes to an end—a year where IDF commanders and soldiers fight bravely and work to put an end to the hardships of the past. The IDF stands with the bereaved families. We will continue to honor the path of the fallen.

"With the fighting spirit and resilience of the entire nation, the IDF will continue to safeguard our security!”
One of the IDF's spokesmen told CNN it's disturbing how the USA government under Joe Biden/Kamala Harris called for ceasefires when Israel began taking defensive action:
On Saturday’s “CNN This Morning,” IDF Spokesman Maj. Doron Spielman responded to frustration from the White House with Israel over ceasefires by stating that “for an entire year, Hezbollah has been firing rockets, over 9,000 rockets, missiles, and killer drones and no one talked about a ceasefire. Now that Israel’s actually taking the assertion to try to protect its civilians, we’re calling for a ceasefire.” And stated that “the world, instead of demanding [that Israel have] a ceasefire, should be demanding that Hezbollah pull out.” [...]

Spielman answered, “I can tell you, Jim, that the last year has been the greatest challenge in Israel’s history. We are threatened by seven different fronts, the Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in the north, Hamas in Gaza, and that’s just to name a few. This is the hour that Israel will look back and the world will look back and say, who stands by Israel in this hour? And the U.S., I’m not a politician, I’m here on behalf of the Army, has been the greatest friend and has supported Israel and understands our objectives. Regarding a ceasefire, for an entire year, Hezbollah has been firing rockets, over 9,000 rockets, missiles, and killer drones and no one talked about a ceasefire. Now that Israel’s actually taking the assertion to try to protect its civilians, we’re calling for a ceasefire. As we’ve said, and as the Israeli Army says, we’re open for anything as long as Israeli civilians can go back to their home[s] and Hezbollah withdraws behind the Litani. What we know is that, right now, Hezbollah, every one of those rockets and missiles is inside one of their own homes, they’re civilian homes. You’ve seen the pictures. They don’t care about Lebanese civilians. They don’t care about Israeli civilians. And the world, instead of demanding [that Israel have] a ceasefire, should be demanding that Hezbollah pull out.”
It's truly reprehensible that anybody would call for an ambiguous "ceasefire", when it's only meant to undermine efforts to defeat the evil entity that even Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. have to shoulder blame for allowing to take over Lebanon, all at the expense of Christians and other innocent and defenseless inhabitants of the area. I'm not letting them off the hook any more than say, Jimmy Carter, whose own damage when it comes to Iran cannot be overlooked either.

Benjamin Netanyahu approved the strike against Hezbollah from a USA hotel room:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved Friday’s airstrike on Hezbollah’s headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, from his hotel room in New York City prior to his speech to the United Nations General Assembly.

The Prime Minister’s Office released a photograph that it said showed Netanyahu approving the massive airstrike.

The massive attack targeted Hezbollah’s underground headquarters in the Dahiyeh neighborhood of Beirut.

Netanyahu apparently delivered his address knowing that the attack was under way. He cut short a press conference after the speech when a military aide whispered in his ear.
The UN is a disgrace, as he also pointed out. It's long overdue to get rid of Hezbollah as much as Hamas, and the PLO must also go. Mahmoud Abbas is one of the worst bigots around, and he alone makes clear what's wrong with them as well.

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