Tuesday, October 10, 2023

UN thinks transsexual men are more important a focus than the many Israeli women murdered by Hamas

Once again, the UN makes clear they're not on actual women's side, and in this case, they turn their backs on Israeli/Jewish women murdered by the Hamas, as they instead chose to celebrate transsexual men, the citation of lesbians notwithstanding:
The United Nations Women Twitter account posted about International Lesbian Day on the very day Israeli. women in the UN were kidnapped, raped, and slaughtered by Hamas. The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh bashed the mixed morals.

On Oct 8, UN Women posted the following:

Remember, trans lesbians are lesbians too.

Let's uplift and honour EVERY expression of love and identity!

Happy International #LesbianDay! @free_equal

The post received close to 20,000 likes and counting after just 24 hours of being published. At around the same time the post had more than 17,000 comments but a large majority of them were in opposition of the celebration of “human rights” on the same day where hundreds of women were mercilessly attacked.

Most prominently, Walsh rebuked the sentiment.

“Women were just kidnapped, raped, murdered and paraded around on camera as trophies. UN Women has said nothing at all about it. Instead they’re tweeting their support for pervert men with autogynephilic fetishes,” he wrote on Twitter.

He’s not wrong. A member of the UN, Israel, just had a bloody massacre and some people are more worried that transgender women, aka men, get to be in relationships with other fake women.
Even actual lesbian women are frequent targets of these Religion of Peace worshipers, and this is whom the UN's so-called women's division considers worthy of promotion? Utterly offensive. And what they wrote couldn't have come at a worse time. No sane women should support this awful entity.

Update: besides the UN turning its back on actual women in distress, there's also other "women's rights movements" that aren't responding convincingly either. And nobody sane should contribute to those who turn their backs.

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