Thursday, September 09, 2010

"Where the #*&? is Palestine?

The Arabs are trying to take possession of Israel. While their poor live in medieval squalor and their leaders have Swiss bank accounts, they look at Israel and its beauty and wealth and demand it!

Here is survey of Arabs in Judea and Samaria, (from Daphne Anson) who see it as their right!

"With regards to the final status of Palestine and Israel, please indicate which of the following you consider to be Essential, Desirable, Acceptable, Tolerable or unacceptable, as part of a peace agreement:

  1. Historic Palestine - from the Jordan River to the sea as a national homeland for the Palestinians: Essential 78.2%
  2. Two state solution - 2 states for 2 peoples, Israel and Palestine according to UN resolutions: Essential 17.7%
  3. One joint state where Israelis and Palestinians are equal citizens: Essential 9.6%
  4. With regards to refugees, please indicate which of the above options you consider re: Right of Return and compensation - Essential 85.7%
Read the rest here.

Israel: From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates and what has already been stolen by Muslims!

Its time the Israeli government stopped handing Jewish land to Arabs: they have no right whatsoever to it!

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