Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What you don't hear from the local English media about Mohammedan Mayhem!!

This is a letter received by the English Defence League from a young mother in the northern city of Bradford. The EDL, the only group to stand up against islamic supremacism and sharia law in the UK, had a demonstration on 28th August 2010 against this type of intimidation.
Messages of Support from Bradford

by English Defence League (EDL) on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 at 15:46

I am constantly reading e-mails of support sent through our website from the people of Bradford a few of which I have chosen to share with you all here is another one for you to have a read


I'd like to thank you for coming to Bradford as myself and the majority of my friends and family did want the EDL in Bradford regardless of what the media make out.

I am a young married mother with 2 children and i have lived in Bradford all my life, I have watched it deteriorate over the years due to muslims. I am not racist but im scared for my children,especially my 11 year old daughter.

White girls/women cant walk the streets of Bradford without being harrassed by muslim boys and men and I hate the fact that i cant even go to the local shop without cars full of muslim lads stopping asking if i want to go for a drive, as soon as i say no im called a white slag and that they've shagged my mum and dad.
Why is it that we are always the racist ones??? Im the minority in my own town, i get abuse on a daily basis but if i say anything then im racist.

My younger brother had a fight with a muslim lad the same age as him and the muslim lad went to the police and my brother was charged with assault, a few days later it was in the telegraph that the poor muslim boy had been beaten up by a racist thug.

A few weeks after this my brother was dragged into a car by older muslim lads, taken to the moors, beaten up pretty badly and had a gun put to his head, he was told if he ever went near the lad he was charged with assaulting that they would kill him and threw him out of the car. My mother contacted the police and my brother gave a statement but nothing was ever done, no one was charged and they had my brother being dragged in the car on cctv.

When it's a racist attack on whites the police dont want to know.

I could go on forever and tell you many stories of what life is like in Bradford but i'd probably be here all day.

I just wanted to thank you for making a stand and I hope that 1 day all the do gooders of britain that cant see the bad in muslims have them living on their streets harassing their daughters, then they might open their eyes.


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