Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kiddie Pr@n in the New Duranty Times?

This past Wednesday, the front page of the "Home" Section of the New Duranty Times featured a huge above-the-fold photograph of a naked 3-year-old boy's bottom to illustrate an article about parents who keep their children out of clothes, even in front of strangers, almost until their teens.

Knowing the intensity with which the Times works the homosexual angle into every story into which it can possibly be jammed, and knowing about the proclivities of many of the paper's editorial staff, one can only wonder if Timesmen aren't privately high-fiving each other over so prominently featuring a picture that members of N.A.M.B.L.A. will surely be taping to their refrigerators.

Of course, this is just another facet of the Times's Gramscian war against the United States and western culture. From publishing military secrets to help terrorists who want to kill us all, to degrading our culture by promoting filth as art and deviancy as normal, the Times will stop at nothing.

TAB is not going to reproduce the picture. If you are so inclined, click on over to Pinch Sulzberger's place for yourself.

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