Monday, February 23, 2009


Pamela Geller @ Atlas Shrugs is hosting the intrepid and rambunctious "Flying Dutchman" himself, Geert Wilders, who is coming to America.

She details the following on her site:

Geert Wilders is coming to America this week.How delicious is that? We should get gaggles of giggly freedom lovers to greet him at the airport like they used to do with Beatles and Elvis. I mean it, really.

He is landing in New York. Not to worry - Atlas will report all. He has a full schedule. Glenn Beck, O'Reilly, Ingraham, CNN ... New York, Boston, and DC. He is scheduled to speak at the National Press Club in Washington DC. The visual of Wilders against a backdrop of the iconic Lincoln Memorial, Washington monument, etc. is fitting. That blast of hair fits right in with Jefferson's, Washington's, Burr's ........ the powered wig thing.

Atlas is hosting an "Evening with Geert Wilders" along with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Jihad Watch and Dr. Andrew Bostom at CPAC, OMNI Hotel. Food, Fitna, Freedom ..... fierce.

Read the the official press release here.

Donate to his legal defense fund and read his blog here.

If you wish to attend or need to contact Pamela directly her email is wildersevening@aol.com.

Gates of Vienna and Jihad Watch have relevant posts about this exciting visit by this champion of freedom who has exposed the Koran and Islamo-Fascism for what it truly is!

Welcome to America and Godspeed to you Mr. Wilders...

Crossposted@ Let's Get It Right

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