Sunday, March 25, 2007

Allies Cheerfully Betrayed - In Advance

It's Vietnam Time again. The House of Representatives has passed a Cut and Run Bill disguised as a Support the Troops Bill. How clever.

However, we have a lot of clever citizens in America. One of them has something very useful to say.
We must stop this "Hate George Bush" war at any cost.

It is a tremendous roadblock, stalemating the Iraqi war, and tying up the Congress as it tries to come up with more ways to thwart or embarrass the President through the war. Mistakes have been made. But Hating George Bush isn't going to correct them.

"Hate George Bush" involves waiting another two years during which we expend money and troops while awaiting a Democrat president who will inherit, in the least, the same conundrum, two years and perhaps two trillion dollars later. Meantime we will still owe this tremendous moral debt to the Iraqi people.
Here we have another case, like Vietnam, of not supporting our allies.

At least in the case of Vietnam we had the decency to wait until most of the American troops were out of the country.

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at Classical Values

1 comment:

Reliapundit said...

well writ.

and we cannot remind the "anti-war" crowd enough how wrong they (we!) were about vietnam.

the last us ground troops left 3/29/73.

saigon did not fall until 1975. two years later - and only because the dems/dove/left running congress cut financial support fore OUR ALLIE the SVG.

the4 marxist tyrants of the north promptly VIOLATED the Paris Peace treaty and INVADED the south.

millions fled. perhaps a million DIES fleeing.

hundreds of thousands were out into "reeducation camps."

tens of thousnads were executed.


and now.... vietnan wants into the West - into "USA hegemony" - and is in the WTO and begs for CAPITALISTS
to invest there.

WELL SHIT! they could surrendered to us in 1963 and had investments up there ass for the last 50 years!

and NOT lost 3 million in the war.

at the very least, has the dove/dem in congress NOT pulled the plug and abandoned our ALLY the SVG, we'd probably all be driving SOUTH VIETNAMESE cars - like we do SOUTH KOREAN!

i admit this all, looking back. even though I MARCHED IN ANTI-WAR marches then. i campaigned for mcgovern!

but i look back in all honesty and admit THE ANTI- WAR MOVEMENT WAS ALL WRONG.


and probably manipulated by the USSR.

well, the anti-war crowd is as wrong now as they were then.

and the results will be worse if they do to the ME what the did do SE Asia.

we must do whatever we can to prevent this.