Tuesday, May 03, 2005


The American Revolution did not recognize the divine rule of the King of England, but did recognize the Divine. As the Declaration said, we are EACH "endowed by the Creator with inalienable rights and that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." The Creator made each of us - each and every person - sovereign over himself, and the nation only derives its LIMITED power from the consent of the people; the government's rights and power and authority are proscribed, and it is not permitted to cross certian boundaries - which are outlined in the Bill of Rights.

The French Revolution was against divinity itself; it was atheistic and it even included an anti-clerical phase (in which hundreds of priests were killed and hundreds more thrown in jail). The Russian Revolution, and other socialist revolutions were also atheistic.

These revolutions were not democratic revolutions; they were COUPS D'ETAT; they merely substituted one form of tyranny for another - instead of a dictatotrial king they had a dictatorial Committee for Public Safety, or a dictatorial Politburo. Marx and Lenin even referred to their utopia as a DICATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT - which proves that it has more in common with feudalism and tryanny than democracy.

In the 21st century we are still witnessing the very same division: between atheistic/socialistic Continental Europe, whose politics is still dominated by radical secular humanism - which is at best dismissive of religion (for instance in France, they are shutting down Church after Church) and more often than not is hostile to religion - (take France for example: anti-Semitism is rampant, AND the government recently banned Muslim headscarves in schools!).

The Anglo-American world was founded on and still basically accepts Natural Law. Here in the US, nearly all of our presidents - especially the great ones (Washington; Lincoln - even FDR and Truman and Ike and JFK) - mentioned God and providence ALL THE TIME because FAITH in the Divine is so fundamental to our Amerian worldview.

And I think this divide - THE DIVINE DIVIDE - best explains the Left/Right Divide in the US: the Left feels there is no such thing as the divine, or the eternal, or universals or absolutes; the Left says: "we may do whatever we can do;" of course, this underlies the Counter-Culture's hedonism. The Right believes there are universal and trascendent laws which we should not ever violate - "maybe we shouldn't do all we can do." The Left thinks there is no place for faith in politics; the Right says that faith always always has and always will shape the moral and ethical issues which underlie all politics.

This DIVINE DIVIDE is also why the Right tends to be more HAWKISH than the Left: we of the Right have values we think are worth fighting for - even dying for, and killing to defend. The Left has nothing transcendent or eternal worth fighting for; they're merely relativists who just want to be LEFT alone to do whatever they - AS CONSENTING ADULTS - want to do in the privacy of their own bedroom/home/nation. (This is perhaps the best reason they should be alled LEFT - they just want to be left home alone!) They're doves because hedonism is hardly worth fighting for.

But to the Right, liberty and justice and democracy ARE worth fighting for - and NOT JUST FOR US, FOR EVERYONE, FOR ALL HUMANS EVERYWHERE because we are ALL equal in the eye of our DIVINE Creator.

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