Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I've already heard many Lefties argue that Arafat's death and Hariri's assassination were MAJOR factors in the current wave of democracy in the Middle East - and NOT the Bush Doctrine or the Iraq War.

I guess the Lefties believe that Qadafy had a premonition that Arafat was gonna die, and that Assad MISSPOKE when he said - in his speech to his "parliament" - that he "was not another Saddam." And that Mubarak couldn't care less if the US Secretary of State refused to visit him to officially protest the lack of permissable political dissent in Egypt, and that Musharraf was just aching to send 70,000 troops to the lawless tribal areas. And that ... well, you get the idea!

The best response to this Left-wing nonsense, this delusionally dumb deluge of Democrat denial: "YEAH, RIGHT!"


Anonymous said...

Good post...since I'm attending an Ivy league school, I've heard these arguments over, and over, and over...while I bite my tongue so as not to get attacked. I just relish the fact that I know I'm right and they're wrong.

Anonymous said...

I do not attend an ivy league school...but some of my best friends etc
In fact, those right of center are rusing to judgement. It is caution at this point that is called for. Without the assassination there would have been no protest. Now, with the protest, three times the crowd turned out in support of Syria. Why? Because Shihites support both Hezbollah and Syria. There is yet no sign of a forthcoming democracy in Lebanon but rather an indication of a possible civil war.
Iran: they are continuing to do what they want to do. Syria: just say no to America is still their motto. Afghanistan: more opium being grown there now than before we invaded!
Iraq: Things get better every day. Unless it is your child that got killed today--every day in fact more and more disruptive bombings. Lates study: majority of those caught terroirst are from--our friends the Saudis..When will something be done about this.
I don't want to be a lefty spoiler, and I am not either one of those things, but face it: to claim victory at this point is tantamount to the claim of having settled things in Iraq by Mr. Bush some months ago. And the results?

Let's hope. Let's wait.