Many right-of-center libertarians people (who consider themselves pro-choice, folks like Instapundit) felt that justice had been served by the Schiavo decision in which the State permitted the ex-husband to pull the plug on his ex-wife.
Abortion is a right to many of these folks and so is state-assisted spouse-a-cide posing as suicide.
I felt the Schiavo decision was a horrible decision, and that in the absence of clear instructions from the patient the state shouldn't intervene especially on the side of an ex-spouse and against the family of the patient - and on the side of death.
I wrote, at the time, that many death-row murderers routinely get more due process than did Terri's family.
NOW, LOOKING BACK: I think that what happened was a precursor of healthcare rationing AKA "Obamacare Death Panels". And I think that probably many of these right-of -center libertarian who are opposed to Obamacare, and "death panels" (or more accurately, the inevitable rationing that comes with state0controlled healthcare) is a major reason why.
In the context of Obamacare, these right-of-center libertarians have no problem accepting that health decisions - especially end-of-life ones - should be made by the patient and her/his doctor and NOT the State. They understand clearly that the state shouldn't intervene and that it inevitably will intervene when its paying the bill.
I think the right-of-center libertarians should rethink their Schiavo positions. (REMINDER: The State wasn't paying the bill for Terri; the insurance companies were.)
In the absence of clear instructions the state should err on the side of life.
And keeping the State dirty stinking paws outside these decisions is a major reason to oppose a state takeover of the healthcare industry.
1 comment:
Thanks for dropping by PaC.
This libertarian's position on the Schiavo case had to do with:
1. It was not a Federal matter.
2. It was a family dispute
3. Tragedy happens
4. Hard cases make bad law
We already have death panels. Every day. The one thing that keeps it rational is that family makes the decision.
My mom and I had to make such a decision in the case of my Dad. You can't imagine anything more heart wrenching than to say "Let Dad die. Keeping him alive serves no useful purpose."
Fortunately Mom and I agreed.
We gave the order: pull the plug on Monday. And Dad being the mensch he is died on Saturday before the order could be carried out. But still. We ordered his death. By starvation. Since overdosing him on opiates is illegal. Even if much kinder.
Schiavo was just the camel's nose under the tent. Best if the Feds have no say in the matter.
Every power you give the government to do good will eventually be used by the government to do evil.
And that is where conservatives don't get it. They lack far vision. Fortunately I'm an engineer.
“Physicists dream of Nobel prizes, engineers dream of mishaps.” Hendrik Tennekes
Which is why so many engineers are libertarians. So much so that it is almost a stereotype.
Well I think that is more than enough for a hello.
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