Sunday, June 17, 2007


If you thought that the racist Arab genocide of Christian, Pagan, and Muslim black Africans in south Sudan had something to do with the ideology of jihad, you were wrong.

South Korean UN Secretary General Moon Ban-Ki writes in the Washington Post (free but annoying registration required) that the Darfur genocide was caused by . . . global warming!
Almost invariably, we discuss Darfur in a convenient military and political shorthand -- an ethnic conflict pitting Arab militias against black rebels and farmers. Look to its roots, though, and you discover a more complex dynamic. Amid the diverse social and political causes, the Darfur conflict began as an ecological crisis, arising at least in part from climate change.
He does, however, admit that the jet-setting diplomats whose lifetime sinecures at the UN keep them in Mercedes Benz limousines and champagne haven't done a thing to stop the killing, characterizing the genocide as:
a conflict that has claimed more than 200,000 lives during four years of diplomatic inertia . . .
Let's face it, if you thought that things at the UN were going to get better with South Korean Moon Ban-Ki at the helm, you were wrong.

Those pennies you collected for UNICEF at Hallowe'en went for fancy multi-function wristwatches, champagne, and high-priced whores in Geneva.

It's time to get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.


Reliapundit said...

it's also time the USA said to our enemies (like FATAH): "WE DON'T DO CARROTS."

i feel that both rudy and fred REALISTICALLY would look at the UN.

Pastorius said...

The slaughter in Sudan has been going on for 24 years, not four, as the media tells us.

The Arab Muslims began by waging a Jihad against Christians and animists, and didn't move on to killing Sufi Muslims until they pretty much ran out of the former.

Why do you think the media and Ban Ki Moon, persist in this lie/obfuscation of the facts?

Do you think, perhaps, it is because the world doesn't fucking care about Christians?

Gee, that might be it.

I spend a lot of time at CUANAS (Christians United Against the New Anti-Semitism) trying to bring to light the wildfire of Jew-hatred which has spread across the world. But, I must admit, the world's unwillingness to acknowledge the slaughter of 2 million Christians in Sudan is a collective psychological atrocity on the level of the Holocaust.

I can't even get Christians to pay attention to this issue.

And now, to top it all off, Ban Ki Moon is blaming Jihad on global warming.

And, my fellow Christians will probably buy it.

I simply don't know what to say.

Punditarian said...


Quite right. But it isn't so much that "the world" doesn't care about Christians, it's that the intellectual elites in the heart of Christendom have become the leading exponents of anti-Christian thought. And they dominate the universities, the teachers they train, and the journalists they train. So the anti-Christian left has come to dominate public discourse -- in the heart of Christendom.

Like Reliapundit says, we will not be able to defeat the jihadists abroad until we defeat the enemy at home.

Also, your point that jihadist genocide in the Sudan has been going on for decades, shows that Moon Ban-Ki's attribution of cause to climate warming is false, and that he has selectively chosen the time-period in which he wants us to look, in order to make the data fit his preconceived thesis.

That is what the glowball warmerists do in general, isn't it?

Pastorius said...
