Monday, April 09, 2007


Giuliani's Gaffe--I consider this pretty big since it has really made me doubt whether I can support him. I would still vote for him over McCain but thats not saying much.

McCain's Meltdown--I don't agree with much that Alter says in this but this paragraph hit home:
The senator's timing seems off in a way that might be admirable if it weren't so politically clumsy. McCain trashed President Bush when he was popular—and now champions him when he's down. The trashing angered many Republicans, who could never fully trust McCain again after his apostasy on tax cuts, torture and a dozen other issues where he always seemed to be highlighting his independence from Bush on TV.

Fred Thompson is for Real--A political contact of mine keeps saying that Thompson doesn't have a prayer. Yet, I have to wonder since the blogosphere is alive with support for him and he is doing fairly well in the polls before he has even announced that he's running. I'm not overly impressed with him but he does seem to be more appealing overall than anyone else right now. Although, if him or Gingrich are going to run they need to get in now since they are already behind in the money race.


Reliapundit said...

mitt is no hunter.

pandering isn't a leadership quality.

it's rudy and fred for me right now.

Reliapundit said...

fred needs a real COOPER UNION moment.

the paul harvey spots are good.
the redate column was great.

his record is spotty.

he has no executive/governing experience.

he needs to demonstrate - like Lincoln did - that he has the acumen/focus/values and handle on ALL the issues in order to be a good wartime POTUS. to show he has REAL gravitas.

he needs this speech to be somewhere with gravitas.

he needs it to be BEFORE he announces.

another thing: he is like Obama in many ways: an empty vessel many MANY are pouring their dreams in...

Dionne said...

Yes, I think I agree with you on all counts. I just can't bring myself to support Romney over Rudy at this stage. And I refuse to jump on either the Thompson or the Gingrich bandwagon until one of them does something to impress me or show me that they are viable.

Fred appears to be more conservative than all the others but he has some things in his short record that bother me such as campaign finance reform. Gingrich is a fairly stellar conservative and brilliant but I'm not sure he can get past the media demonization and marriage baggage.

Plateau said...

offtopic, but I just discovered your blog and saw the "regime change Iran" logo. Mine focuses on Iran: cultural, historical, political, etc... check it out sometime. Thanks.

Reliapundit said...

plateau. we'll blogroll you.
and keep posting comments here.