Monday, March 12, 2007


It is not suprising when the MSM makes a big deal out of a small story - that is essentially their business. But an article online at CNN, about the early changeover to Daylight Savings Time, caught my attention. Especially this line: "Farmers will lose a precious hour of early light. "

Oh my god - more evidence that mankind is meddling with nature!!! Where's Greenpeace? They should be rapelling from Big Ben!!! Will farmers have to dig up all their crops and replant them 23 hours later?

Hey wait a minute...where did that hour of sunlight go? Was it replaced by an hour of "Desperate Housewives"?

Don't worry - every farmer in the world is going to get the sunshine he's due - no matter what time it is. Even if he forgot to wind his clock or change the battery!

What amazes me is a professional journalist at Reuters could write this crap - and editors at other media organizations pick it up and distribute it.

"U.S. gas prices have jumped an average of 20 cents to $2.55 a gallon, and demand could increase in coming weeks as daylight-savings time gives Americans more time to drive"...
I guess the supposed environmental benefits of DLS down the terlet.

Reliapundit adds: WTF?!?! Do they think Americans don't drive at night!?!?! Sheesh.


Punditarian said...

I am surprised by this early switch to DST.

Although the sun is only a minor contributor to global warming compared to SUVs and Rush Limbaugh, it seems irresponsible to add ANOTHER HOUR of sunlight to the global warming we already have.

It seems that all this global warming started when daylight savings time was first introduced on a wide scale.

I think we should go back to standard time all year round, and if that doesn't work, we should have global warming time, when we set the clocks back a whole 'nother hour, so there will be less sunlight during the day to melt the ice floes and threaten the polar bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

northern seer said...

I agree pounditarian. I think we need to set the clocks back - a few centuries perhaps?

Reliapundit said...

you guys have it all wrong: why not just change the CALENDAR!

If we eliminate the winter months we can save tons of heating oil!

And if we eliminate the summer months then we can save tons of electricity since we won;t use as much AC!

Reliapundit said...

of course i really really mean we should cut december down to one week - 12/24-31, and eliminate january and february and 1/2 of march and just make may june and july longer by the same amount of days.

we'd save energy.

and everyone could take a longer summer holiday.

and the baseball season could be extended to 250 games.