Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Joe lost. Lieberman loses. If an incumbent liberal hawk like Joe Lieberman can't win renomination in his own party, then what has that party become!? I'll tell you what: A party of doves, appeasers, anti-Semites, and Leftists. The party of Lamont and Sheehan and the NYTimes.

I hope the silent majority is looking and listening...

BTW: I think that the fact that Joe is Jewish really hurt him with the base of the Democrats. HERE'S WHY: the Dems are no longer Israel's best friend; here's an excerpt from MICHAEL BARONE, (he recently commented on a recent poll by the LAT and Bloomberg):
[The poll asked:]

Should the United States continue to align itself with Israel, adopt a more neutral posture, or align more with Arab countries?

By a 50 to 44 percent margin, respondents said we should stick with Israel rather than take a more neutral posture; only 2 percent want us to side more with Arab countries.

But there's a big difference between respondents of different parties. Here's a table showing the results, including independents.

Continue with Israel: Reps 64; Inds 46; Dems 39

More neutral posture R-29 ; I-49; D-54

We see a similar split on assessments of the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

The poll asked whether Israel's action was justified and not excessively harsh, justified but excessively harsh, or unjustified....

A majority, 56 percent, of Democrats think Israel did not act properly, while an even bigger majority, 64 percent, of Republicans think Israel did act properly. That's a pretty sharp difference. [Umph added.]
I hope Jews still clinging to their Democrat Party affiliation are looking and listening - and rethinking their affiliation. After all, the majority of Dems think the USA should be neutral in dealings between Hizb'allah - (which until 9/11 had murdered more Americans than any other terrorist organization in the world, and which is a fanatical Islamofascist terrorist group - and Israel, (a staunch ally and a pluralistic democracy).

This is amoral, if not NUTS! Favoring neutrality toward any group of jihadomaniacs is at the very least appeasement. And I would argue it is anti-Semitic at its core - after all, Sheehan has repeatedly argued that her son "Casey died for Israel." The Democrats who, like her, blame Israel, the neocons, the Likud - and/or "the Israel Lobby" - are the very same Democrats who comprise the netroots groups, and powered the Lamont victory.

It is time for most Jews to vote GOP. The Dems don't trust you, or like Israel.

More on the Loony Left's win HERE.


The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) today announced it will begin a national advertising campaign to challenge the Jewish community to consider the nature of today’s Democratic Party given the defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman. ...
“The Democratic Party is being taken over by the Cindy Sheehan, Howard Dean, Al Sharpton wing which represents weakness on foreign policy and neutrality toward Israel,” said RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks. “The left-wing defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman is a troubling development for all Jewish Americans who care about a strong national defense and support for Israel. Now that the Democrats have voted Joe Lieberman out of the party, Jewish Democrats should ask themselves, ‘Is this the political party I want to be part of?’”
My answer: NO.

UPDATE #3: I have not claimed, nor would I claim that most people from CT are anti-Semitic. In fact, I think Joe will win the election, handily.

I am saying that the NUTROOTS/Left which is begininng to dominate the Democrat Party is anti-Semitic.

They are further to the Left than McGovern ever was, and they will lead the party to a worse defeat. The Al From/Joe Lieberman/DLC wing of the party is the only part of the party fit to lead and capable of winning elections.

The fundamental political idiocy of the Loony Left is this: they fervently believe that they can gain more votes by becoming more extreme. This is a practical and logical impossibility. Centrists do better because they have a broader appeal - by definition. All the Loony Left does is make the GOP and Lieberman look more sensible. And more centrist and more electable.

Thanks for linking: Instapundit; basil's blog; The Anchoress; Dissecting Leftism; Tel-Chai Nation; A Western Heart; and CUANAS.


bernie said...

Approxiamtely 80% of Jews are Dems so they comprise approx a few percentage points of those that probably voted in favor of Israel. If you took the Jews out of the Dem poll you would probably find that 66% of Dems are anti-Israel. I consider most liberal Jews as idiots. These are the same type of Jews who skipped into the ovens singing that they were German Jews so how bad could things be for them.

What maroons! I say this as an unrepentent infidel jew myself.

And to the anti-Semite above let me say that I will be eating his children for breakfast the little unkosher sausages that they are.

Gandalin said...

The leftist nutroots are not afraid to come right out in the open, are they? First John Samhain attacks Reliapundit for suggesting that anti-Semitism might have something to do with the ferocious opposition to Joe Lieberman among the loony left, and then without even taking a breath goes on to deliver his own anti-Semitic tirade. If anybody needed a proof-text, that's it.

gawker said...

"After all, the majority of Dems think the USA should be neutral in dealings between Hizb'allah"

You have evidence to back that up, of course? Other than your own words, I mean.

Reliapundit said...

gawker - the poll i cited reveals exactly what i said: 54% of dems want the usa to be neutral in dealings btween hizb and israel.

next time: read the post before commenting.

quoting barone's descritpion of the LATIMES/BLOOMBERG poll AGAIN:

"By a 50 to 44 percent margin, respondents said we should stick with Israel rather than take a more neutral posture; only 2 percent want us to side more with Arab countries.

But there's a big difference between respondents of different parties. Here's a table showing the results, including independents.

Continue with Israel:

Reps 64; Inds 46; Dems 39
More neutral posture R-29 ; I-49; ********D-54********

We see a similar split on assessments of the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

The poll asked whether Israel's action was justified and not excessively harsh, justified but excessively harsh, or unjustified....

A majority, 56 percent, of Democrats think *****Israel did not act properly****, while an even bigger majority, 64 percent, of *Republicans think Israel did act properly*.

That's a pretty sharp difference. [Umph added.]"

M. Simon said...

The Proud. The Few. The Jews.

Deal with it.

M. Simon said...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth.

"Antisemitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so.

M. Simon said...

Sigh, this post is too late for me. i have been voting Republican/DLC since 9/11.

Before that Libertarian.

tray said...

First of all, almost half of the Jews who voted in the Connecticut primary voted FOR NED LAMONT.

I guess those 40% of Jews are anti-semitic, according to fools like the head of this blog.

Secondly, Joe Lieberman is not a "liberal," because all Democrats are not liberals and all Republicans are not "conservative."

Joe Lieberman is a neo-conservative. A neocon. A Democratic neocon. Ideologically, he is too the right on foreign policy of most of the country because as a neocon, he believes that the United States has a moral obligation to pound the rest of the world into submission.

That's what neocons believe. That's why Joe lost.

Not because voters are anti-semitic, especially not those 40% of Jews who voted for NED LAMONT according to the exit polls.

Third, the GOP likes to call "MoveOn.org" anti-semitic. It proves just how DUMB the right-wing is. The head of MoveOn.org IS JEWISH, and his one of his great, great (great) grandfathers helped establish Tel Aviv.

Why don't you all go somewhere and GET AN EDUCATION and stop spouting ignorant drivel.

Reliapundit said...

strategy minded: you are a moron.

1 - i am educated: i have an MA from one ofd the top 45 univbersities in the USA - earned in 1.5 years.

2 - i am a lifelong democrat and a Jew. I have been a registered dem since 1974 - and was a lefties raised by card-carrying commies. i have votyed onyl twice for GOP candidates: rudy for reelection and bush for reelection.

3 - a neocon is truly just another word for classical liberal - which i am proud to call myself. the new new left - the post-modern left is not liberal at al - in a classical sense.

4 - nowhere in my post do a argue that people from CT are anti-semitic. this would be absurd. CT elected ribicoff several times and joe the jew three times.

i only argued that the new New Left - which is now dominating the dem party - is anti-semitic. being anti-zionist IS being anti-semitic.

5 - just becasue someone is born a Jew doesn;t make them a Jew: most of the upper west side of manhattan is populated by left-wing atheistic Jews who are anti-zionist and anti-semitic: YEAH: JEWS WHO LOATHE JUDAISM.

these types of Jews votes with the left and not based on their Jewish heritage.

If these Jews were not self-loathing, and if they undestood that anti-Semitism could become as virulent in the EU and here as it was in Europe in theb 1930's-1940-'s, and like it is in the ME then they might wake up, and vote GOP. They are in denial.

6 - When I argue that the Dems are no less supportive of Israel and Jewish issues I am not making it up; I cited polls from the LATIMES and BLOOMBERG which prove that the Democrat Party is now more anti-Israel than the GOP. This is a fact. Except fpor Congressman ISaa, not a single GOP Congressman votes anti-Israel; whereas SEVERAL Dem congressman constietly vote against Israel - including several who will become committee chairman if and when the Dems get control of the House. These are FACTS.

6 - I t matter not one single solitary miniscule whit if the founder of moveon is a Jew or if his great grabdfather was a palestinian (Jew). This is ridiculous. Marx was a Jew who loathed Jews. Many Israleis are atheistic, too. The post modern Leftist ones.

7- 26 Dem senators voted for the Iraq War. The ONLY one targeted but the moulitsas/sheehan wing was the Jew. I don't think it was a coincidence.

8 - Lieberman is one of ther MOST LIBERAL senators in the senate - with a voting record MORE liberal than boxer. He gets a 90% rating by most liveral groups based on his voting record.

9 - at most 39% of CT Jews voted for Lamont. i don;t believ this poll, but even if it is accurate, then all it proves is that CT Jews are like upper west side Jews. and these are the Jews who I am IMPLORING to WAKE UP!

10- REASON smeared me and mischaracterized my post when they charactyerized my post like this:

" That Connecticut voters are a bunch of anti-Semites—possibly including the self-loathing 39 percent of Jewish voters who, according to the CBS/New York Times exit poll, went for Lamont?"
I never said this.

12 - Glenn Reynolds made a similar snide comment. Though CT has a histiory of anti-semitism, it is not CT voters - in genral I was writing about. I was writing about the post-modern Left who are dominating the Dem Party, now. they are to the Left of McGovern.

Thank God they will lead the party to defeat.

Pity: we need two parties in the USA.

10 -

Reliapundit said...

i'd guess that the 39% of CT Jews who voted Lamont are non-observant Jews - like most people - Jew & Gentile - in the Dem Party.

Observant Jews didn't vote Lamont.

Reliapundit said...

many of these non-observant Jews have jettisoned their 3000+ year old religion for 100 year old ideologies which have already been proven false: marxism and freudianism.

Reliapundit said...

ALSO, PLEASE NOTE: I never accused Lamont of anti-Semitism - JUST the Left-wing which is his base.

this anti-"Israel lobby" crowd is anti-Semitic, and they are appeasers.

lamont himself is an appeaser, and he has yet to distance himself from the anti-Semitic charges made by some of his most famous supporters.

i think he should be questioned very shraply on this issue.

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