Monday, November 21, 2005


The attack today by the international jihadoterrorist group Hiz b'Allah was a brazen coordinated and unprecedented land and missile attack. Which is what I predicted. Here're some reports:

BBC: "Deadly clash on Lebanese border -- Explosion near Lebanese border Israeli troops have killed three Hezbollah fighters during a guerrilla attack near the Lebanese border, which also left several Israelis wounded. It was the heaviest fighting in the disputed Shebaa Farms area since 2000, when Israeli troops left south Lebanon. Hezbollah fighters launched a major assault on Israeli army posts, triggering retaliatory air strikes. "

"REUTERS": "Pro-Syrian Hizbollah guerrillas raided north Israel in a botched attempt to capture Israeli troops on Monday, triggering the worst round of fighting since Israel pulled out of south Lebanon five years ago. Lebanese security sources said Hizbollah guerrillas raided Israeli posts in the Israeli part of the divided border village of Ghajar..."

AP/FOX: "Hezbollah guerrillas fired mortars and rockets at Israeli troops Monday in a disputed border area, the first clash between the two sides in five months, the group said. The Israeli army confirmed that several missiles or mortars were fired from Lebanon into the Chebaa Farms, an area where the borders of Lebanon, Syria and Israel meet."

This is exactly what I predicted on September 25th, and reiterated on October 26th (and more recently reiterated HERE and HERE and HERE). And why I linked to this post by POWERLINE about how Iran was arming Hiz b'Allah to the teeth.

Assad and Iran and their jihaodterrorist stooges (IJ, Hiz b'Allah, al Qaeda in Iraq, et al) are stepping up their attacks against Israel (and Gaza and the West Bank and Jordan - and sson again in Lebanon) in a desperate attempt to ignite a major confict or Arab-Israeli War in order to deflect our focus from their murderous mendacious regimes. The more we pressure Assad and Iran the worse the attacks by their jihadoterrorist stooges will get.

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