Monday, November 21, 2005


The Dems called the Munter move on Friday night a stunt because the resolution did not - IN THEIR ESTIMATION - accurately reflect the Murtha position.

WELL: Four Right Wing Wackos properly brings this ACTUAL plank of THE ACTUAL MURTHA RESOLUTION (which was endorsed by the DEM LEADERSHIP AMD MOST of the Dems) to the fore: From Murtha's Resolution calling for immediate withdrawal from Iraq:
"Section 3 The United States of America shall pursue security and stability in Iraq through diplomacy."

Yes, Democrats actually expect you to take them seriously when it comes to national security. So we shall!!! As this is your plan, Democrats: Who shall we negotiate with? Abu Zaraqawi? Feel free to propose a fu--ing list!
This plank of the Murtha resolution PROVE that when it come to national defense the Dems are OUT TO LUNCH! Really, they are in the stranglehold of the Left-wing/dove/ tin-foil hat brigade and THEY ARE UNELECTABLE unless and until they get back to their FDR/Truman/JFK/Scoop Jackson roots. Thank God. Of course... it'd be nice if ONE reporter in the MSM asked Murtha about this plank. I won't hopld my breath: the play the MSM gave to Murtha PROVES they are in ideoloogical/BDS cahoots with the Dem/Left.

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