Monday, November 21, 2005


POWERLINE has an absolutely MUST READ post; it's a letter from a soldier in Iraq detailing how the anti-war Dem/Left doves HAVE IT ALL WRONG, and it's proof that the Dem/Left's anti-war attacks damage troop morale. EXCERPT:
Two weeks ago, as I was starting my sixth month of duty in Iraq, I was forced to return to the USA for surgery for an injury I sustained prior to my deployment. With luck, I'll return to Iraq in January to finish my tour. I left Baghdad and a war that has every indication that we are winning, to return to a demoralized country much like the one I returned to in 1971 after my tour in Vietnam. Maybe it's because I'll turn 60 years old in just four months, but I'm tired:

I'm tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who lack the courage, fortitude, and character to see these difficult tasks through. I'm tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history when the going gets tough. I'm tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim they 'Support the Troops' by wanting them to 'Cut and Run' before victory is achieved. I'm tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of their hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and women are having on the battlefield.

I'm tired that so many American's think you can rebuild a dictatorship into a democracy over night.
There's MUCH more. It's RIGHT ON! Go there and RTWT!


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. by the way phil - i could have deleted your comment ENTIRELY erasing ALL traces of it and not commented.i did not do it thjat way because i want everyone to know what i did and why.

  3. i deleted your comment becasue it was a cut'n paste job

    and because it was irrelevant to the post.

    we are criticizing murtha's POSITION as cowardly. no one called him a coward.

    we praise his service in the military.

    but the policy he advocates - and has advocated for one and half years!!! - is cowardly appeasing defeatism.

    and like ALL appeasement, it would only encourage the enemy.

    i suggested below that the reason he and pelosi GRANDSTANDED the proposal know is because they want to divert attention from their own unethical if not illegal acts.

    also: many if not most anti-war Leftists HATE TRADITIONAL AMERICA almost as much as they hate Bush and want us chastized if not defeated.

  4. phil - you admit you posted it elsewhere.

    post a criticism of what I wrote w/links.
