Friday, January 22, 2016


It's clear at this point Angela Merkel has to shoulder some blame for what the "migrant" crisis from Muslim countries has led to (Hat tip: The Gateway Pundit):
Germany said on Wednesday Austria’s decision to cap the number of refugees it will let in and tighten border controls was “not helpful” to German efforts to negotiate a European Union-wide solution to the migrant crisis and ensure Turkey’s support.

Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke during a meeting with her conservative allies in Bavaria, the state bordering Austria that serves as an entry point for virtually all migrants heading to Germany, two members of the Bavarian party told Reuters.

Merkel is under popular pressure to cap migrant arrivals that last year reached 1.1 million, reducing her popularity and fuelling support for an anti-immigration populist party.

She wants to stem the influx by improving conditions at Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan, giving Turkey aid in exchange for a crackdown on people smugglers responsible for the passage into Europe of many of the migrants from that country, and distributing refugees across the EU based on a quota system.

Her efforts have produced little tangible results to calm critics at home, including her Christian Social Union coalition ally in Bavaria who want her to reverse her open-door policy for refugees and shut Germany’s borders.
It's not hard to see why anybody who thought before that Merkel was a positive example for Europe would think differently now. She's basically allowing the very kind of communities the Nazis would approve of - in sharp contrast to Jews - into the country. And she's forming partnerships with Turkey, failing to recognize the taqqiya in their positions, nor does she understand that they're more or less behind the effort to injure Europe and influence the influx of Muslims to the continent. Giving Turkey any kind of financial aid could easily end up funding terrorists there just like Iran is doing, and is still another waste of taxpayers' money.

If Merkel's voted out of office after this, it'll be her own fault. She's let down many women and proven she's not fit for her job. This is also a country that may still be outlawing homeschooling (except, presumably, for Muslims). And what was the whole point of announcing that multiculturalism is a failure if Merkel's still bent on letting these invaders into the country?

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