Saturday, January 23, 2016


They certainly haven't done so convincingly. The Jewish Week brought up the case of the convicted child rapist who gleefully threw Arabic land owners under the bus:
It was repulsive viewing: the sight of a Jewish man gleefully suggesting that he had played a part in another man’s death.

Ezra Nawi recounted a story of a Palestinian man who tried to cut land deals with settlers and is now dead. Nawi, a towering figure on Israel’s activist left, said: “I have a hand in this,” and appeared to try to put the wheels in motion for another Palestinian man to head toward this same fate.

Nawi’s words and actions, captured on hidden cameras, are the scandal of the month here in Israel. The activist left should have proved its moral compass by condemning what it saw, by saying that it was beyond the pale, by realizing that once in a while it’s OK to react to something like the rest of the country. But it failed.
Even sadder, the people who wrote this op-ed are leftists themselves:
Now, before I continue I want to say that the current campaign by the Israeli government against the Israeli activist left leaves me uncomfortable, and in this column last month I criticized rightist politicians for their obsessive attempts to delegitimize Breaking the Silence, which is perhaps the most controversial of all the groups of the activist left.
"Obsessive"? What's so obsessive about their concerns that isn't so about leftists whose only interest is in providing the PLO with enough territory to commit jihadism? And who turn their backs on Islamic child bridemongering? I'm not sure what this dummy's point is here, but it's bottom of the barrel. He's got to consider that something's rotten in the leftists of today who obsess themselves with political issues like these, and that the time has come to start refraining from political activism. It really isn't healthy for anybody.

The courts have made it official now that Nawi was arrested for his repulsive crime. If the author of that otherwise slapdash column in New York is smart, he'll distance himself from "Rabbis for Human Rights" and not call them "esteemed". Because they're not.

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