Friday, January 22, 2016


The dreadful secretary of state has admitted what should be obvious:
Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged to CNBC Thursday that some of the money Iran received in sanctions relief would go to groups considered terrorists.

When asked about whether some the $150 billion in sanctions relief to Iran would go to terrorist groups, Kerry reiterated that, after settling debts, Iran would receive closer to $55 billion. He conceded some of that could go to groups considered terrorists, saying there was nothing the U.S. could do to prevent that.

"I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists," he said in the interview in Davos, referring to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. "You know, to some degree, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that every component of that can be prevented."

But he added that "right now, we are not seeing the early delivery of funds going to that kind of endeavor at this point in time."
But that doesn't mean they won't. They most definitely will, and he knows it. How odd that he's willing to admit what's wrong, even as he clearly intends to stand by idly and allow them to continue doing this. And that's probably worse than a politician who won't admit to failure. It's also a huge disfavor to the American public how the administration is wasting their tax dollars to fund an autocracy. Money that, if Kerry and Obama wanted to, they could withdraw from funding to Iran, but clearly have no intention of doing so.

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