Thursday, July 16, 2015


The propagandist now working for Marvel has come out in favor of Iran, completely whitewashing their autocracy:

And when somebody asks if US citizens can get tourist visas, she says:

Who would want to visit a country ruled by sharia? A country where women have no rights and where dissidents with the regime were subjected to torture and rape? Betty Mahmoody was very lucky she managed to flee with her daughter Mahtob from that hellhole back at the time the ayatollah was viciously running the country. Jimmy Carter sure caused a lot of disaster when he turned his back on the country in 1979 and allowed the shah to be overthrown by the much worse ayatollah Khomeini.

Among the various other issues Wilson's oblivious to include Americans held hostage in Iran, who apparently aren't part of the deal made. No amount of green lawns and flower gardens will conceal how the Islamic mindset dominating the country makes it a truly awful place to be. Wilson's sugarcoating of those facts is shameful. Why would any sane American want to get a tourist visa to a country where they could be imperiled just for thinking negatively about the autocracy?

Wolf Blitzer made Susan Rice look silly on the faustian deal. Wilson looks silly just by acting ignorant.

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