Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Ron Marz has a very weak view of the Iran deal, as he notes with the following:

As expected, all this incompetent man can do is act like an ostrich. It does nothing to prevent Iran from continuing with the nuclear manufacturing, and according to this polling, 74% of Israelis don't think the deal will stop Iran's evil positions either. David Weinberg said that:
Ahead of the accord reached between the P5+1 and Iran Tuesday, The New York Times reported that it was expected to be a "political agreement," not a "legally binding treaty."
And I've got a feeling even Marz realizes that. Former major-general Yaakov Amidror also says it simply makes Iran stronger, because sanctions will be lifted, and the Iranian autocracy wasn't required to stop its missile building.

Since we're on the subject, Marz also tweeted:

It sure is mysterious how somebody taking such a weak, naive view of deals made with autocracies has no problem with a guy like Kirby who's famous for fighting them during WW2.

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